Forum Replies Created
Participant😀 I agree with Mr. Child. To look at this change based only on the short term premise does not promote positive thought. When looking long term at the upcoming changes it was inevitable that this should happen. Have patience. Work in the positive. There are 18 months to make the needed changes. Rethink your pricing for your hard work. With our new image may I dare suggest that we raise them? WE ARE THE BEST IN OUR BUSINESS! We all know it… I for one plan on acting accordingly.
Have courage. Work out the “kinks” with a wonderful future in mind.
I wish all of you well….
ParticipantI was over the road driving my own big rig for the man. One cold winter night met up at a local convience store with Bryan Ferris and the rest is history. Had witnessed HB from Bill Newton and realized I could do the same. Wished I had known about HB 15-20 years ago I’d be retired by now and up fishing with “dirtbag” and bragin about the one that got away.
It always depends on the group/chapter of course. The number of members within the chapter you are looking at. What sort of business’s are represented.
As stated in another area of this medium I have had great success with my BNI chapter. But my particular chapter has grown pretty close. (They are all very good friends now.)
Choose a chapter that you can meld into. You are allowed a trial meeting in most chapters. (One or two free appearences without charge)
BNI has worked very well for me but then I enjoy meeting in front of people. And I enjoy talking about Heaven’s Best.
I wish you well…
The BNI chapter that I am a member of has been an absolute blessing to me! I have been a participant now for 14 months.
My first meeting I simply brought some new cleaning pads in and passed them around. Each member (I noticed) played with the pad while I talked to them. By having something tangible to touch and feel my message made a stronger dent in the minds of those hearing.
Second time I brought all the cleaning equipment in and demonstrated how the system worked. (I got permission from the restaurant we meet at first). (Note: I now clean at the restaurant on a timely basis as they were impressed with the results) I’ve done this demo twice now as new members join.
Give spotter bottles away either 8 oz or 32 oz depending on your situation.
As a door prize use the services of other members in the group. ( the reason here is that it brings the group closer together. I don’t do this all the time as I will offer a door prize of my services at a discount but for example one member of my group is a massusse. She is very good at what she does and other members really appreciate her services as well. It just makes us more of a family this way.
If you have a real-Estate member offer a demo in an area of their office. Insurance folks the same thing.
Just a couple of idea’s… Bottom line… Have fun with it! Make it creative.Results for me have been outstanding! My fee is $295 per year. My return in 2005 alone on that investment has been over $7,000.
Remember to be a salesman for your other members also. (this just gives you more avenues to talk to people within your day)
My best wishes to you!
ParticipantI arrived at a upper level style of home the other day and was greeted by a very handsome looking young boy. He was very distinguished looking. Blonde hair. Very polite, and with glasses that seemed to barely fit his nose. He invited me in (he spoke very good english by the way). The young mother, who was kinda out of sorts and seemed to be in a bit of a hurry then showed up at the entrence hallway and proceded to show me the work that she wanted done. All was proceding as usual. I then brought my equipment in. Conner, the 3 1/2 year old, was watching my every move. He then asked “Oh, so you use Hoover?” “Yes I replied”
“It’s a Conquest 14” he said. “Yes, I replied, it is”. “Oh! and you have the portable unit as well!”…. “With the crevice attachment TOO!”I am starting to become aware that this little fellow is a bit more interested in vacuum cleaners than most 3 1/2 year olds are and my curiosity is growing. “How old are you young fellow?” I ask… “3 1/2!” “I’ll be 4 in June” “Would you like to see my Hoover?” I glance at the mother who is sitting in a chair with both hands covering her face. Ahh… Ok?? I replied… The mother allows Conner to show me his very own Hoover vacuum. Sitting in the corner of his bedroom. It’s a Hoover upright. Wind tunnel model. Conner doesn’t like the bag models. Conner procedes to tell me all about how Hoover is so much better then even the DYSON models and demonstrates why that is so.. .. I later find out that Conner requires this poor mother to read owners manuals of vacuum cleaners to him before bedtime…. So….. To make this as short as possible… This should settle the question to all about who makes the better vacuum cleaner. This is a true story. The dad is a doctor for those wondering. The mom is a stay at home mom. No uncles or Aunt or cousins sell vacuums. Just thought I’d share this with you all……
ParticipantBrian: I would also like to express my gratitude for your sharing this experience. I can just imagine your thoughts and feelings after you discovered what had happened at the church. Your heart was in the right place tho. I do hope that the final outcome on this is greater than your expectations as it sometimes does happen that way.
Be well dude!
ParticipantMike: I have also used this procedure in upscale areas. First asked permission from the home that I cleaned and would then reward that customer 10% off their invoice for doing so and for answering any questions that are asked from her neighbors. I then leave little 5 X 7 cards with my info and a 10% off if used within 15days from the date listed on cleaning needs over $75. These cards are attached to door handles with a rubber band. It works some of the time within 15 days but mostly (when I do get a response) over 30 days.
I have handed out 135 of these to date and have recieved 7 responses to date.
Cost to me was 71.35 for cards and rubber bands (which I still have a ton of) The funds generated was 1235.23. to date. Some of the jobs were rather substancial and others were on the lower end.Hope this helps
ParticipantHere is my 2 cents worth: Availibility of parts with the Conquest is great. Dyson is an unknown (at least to me anyways). Having a parts inventory readly available in my inventory is greatly reduced by having just one make and model of vac. Uniform/consistencey of equipment from a customers viewpoint I would think be better with one make and model of vac. And I did put my money where my mouth is… as I just purchased another Hoover to match the one I already have. “Isn’t expansion absolutely the funnest time ever!”
ParticipantWhat the Hey!! I thought this bidding thing was like Golf! The lower the bid the better your chances!!! Geepers!! just when you learn something someone changes all the rules!!
I use the stair buffer on some pieces of work but not all. Mostly use the big buffer. Sometimes also extract. Depends on the dirt and type of carpet. Sometimes its just how I’m feeling that particular day to be honest.
ParticipantI bid $95.00 for that machine! and thats my final offer!
Don Rudnick/Moorhead MN
ParticipantHey Rick!: I agree with you about all the info that comes over this cable wire but, my dear friend, Hockey Champion?!…. Duluth?! Your certainly not serious are you? What… Is Bret Hull going back to college again? Please advise me…
ParticipantBryan: Your still “COOL” in my book!!! Thanks for sharing the lesson learned…
ParticipantShane: I’ve read in this forum of using “fresh scent” or “final step deod” on the problem. Then placing the cushion inside a plastic garbage bag and closeing it up. Then using your Upholstery Mate to vacuum the air out of the bag. This process would force the fresh scent or final step deod thru-out the cushion. I don’t recall for how long you should do this nor if it would work as I have never done it but the previous author stated that this process works very well. I have kept this info in the back of my mind just waiting for that moment when I would need to apply it. I hope that the previous author picks up on this and conferms or denys what I have said. Anyways… Good luck!
Participant😆 The person sitting behind him is a lot better looking tho…
ParticipantDave: Sorry. 😳 Wasn’t trying to be critical. I have used pads till they simply couldn’t obsorb simply water spills anymore. All I was doing with old pads (so it seemed) was spreading the “muck” around the room. Please forgive me for sounding critical. Never intended that.
Carry on Dave!