Forum Replies Created
MemberThere is a whole other thread on this subject in cleaning suplies under cold weather i think. it has alot of good ideas there as well.
MemberI have just been saving mine, and using them as I need, then when I start getting to many to hang on to I just list them for free on craigslist, and throw them out on the front poarch and the seem to disapear a few days later.
MemberI’m glad you mentioned the protectant/ tile and grout cleaner incident, i thought maybe i was the only one dumb enough to get them confused. since that little issue i have been very sure to put the two on oppisite sides of the van from each other, and usually take a big whiff before i start dumping into my canistier. I also like the idea of putting mixing info on some of the less used products. those types of things i usually try to mix in the van anyway which would make it difficult to leave behind. just my two cents worth
Memberwe havent had it for long yet, but when i got tired of dirty streaks caused by our old top load we sprang for a meile. its a german company, and is supposed to be by all accounts just one notch from a commercial washer. so far it seems to be doing great, had it for about 6 months now. i’ll try to post again in a couple of years when its had a longer track record.
MemberOne day when i can expand to a good size shop with built in floor drain i will wash by hand, however it is far to cold up here to joke around out in it for very long, so auto car wash it is. our logos have been on for atleast three years and other then a little fading and rock dings on the hood, they look great. just thought i would throw in my two cents about possible auto car washing problems.
Memberhas anyone tried sono tubs for concrete (durable cardboard tubs available in many sizes) haven’t tried myself, but was first thing that came to mind
MemberAll i have to say is thank goodness for a heated garage. as baden has already stated, it can get a little nippy up here. Recently i have been thinking about getting an auto start that will fire the van up at a certain interior temp, let it run for about 15 plus min. then shut it off again. i had a guesstamate at about 500.00 including install. a little pricy, but better then replacing pumps due to freezing on the job.
MemberWhen I started we had just a 120 volt sports compressor. it worked for about a month after we took over, and i upgraded to a walmart special that uses an on board rechargable battery for power. it seems to work great, i can take it into bigger jobs with me, plus it comes with an added flash light that has helped a couple of times. I’m sure it will be due to be replaced in not a long time, but it does the trick for now.
MemberHow would you go about testing ph in carpet?
MemberI guess i should refraise, H1N1 does exsist, however the hype that it has generated is drastically over played, and the idea that an unproven vaccination will somehow prevent such a desease without any undisired side effects which in many cases are worse then the ailment was to begin with. bottom line is do some research before you go and get an injection that the cdc promises is safe and 100% neccasary
MemberH1N1 is a Hoax. I’m not a Dr. or anything, but I suggest not getting the vaccine, or any other flu shot, and instead eat healthy and boost your own immune system which works far better then some commercially manifactured potion which may or may not work, and may or may not end up killing you. Any way, that being said, thank goodness for haoxes, because i do enjoy selling disinfectant.
Memberthere was alot of comments about realitors, but not much about those that do property managment. we do huge amounts of business from property managers. most of the better ones have 60 plus houses that come vacant every 6 months to 2 years. we give them and their clients the same rate as a commercial account, and they love how fast were in and out and ready for their next client/renter. sometimes its hard to get in with them but as stated before, persistance is key. alot of times all you can do is be their back up guy for awhile till they see you are reliable and next thing you know your getting all of their work.