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    I haven’t had my new van logos on for very long (long story) but they still look great. Just curious if any of the operators that have had them on since the beginning have any tips for extending the life of them and keeping them looking great? Avoid automatic car washes with brushes? Avoid all car washes (even brushless) and just use the “do-it-yourself” ones? Any advice appreciated.


    Dave, from what I’ve noticed, it seems like the quality of the vinyl, depending where it is manufactured, can have fading issues faster than others especially in hot, dry climates.
    And as you already know, but it’s probably the biggest culprit “door dings and shopping carts” I try not to expose my van to those situations but sometimes when you least expect it – it happens.


    Good question. Maybe Adam can give us suggestions on this topic.


    I have had mine on since nearly the beginning and they still look great. I have even put the van through several automated car washes.



    The installer I used said to always be careful not to use a very close blast, the kind to remove those usightly bug splatters, at the edges of the wrap. They said it could possibly lift it enough and it may lose adhesion at that point.


    Over time, the vinyl over the contours of the van forms a gap, or bridges and is lifted out of the contour. I hesitate to return to SAR…local people are totally screwed up and will not return to them for anything at all…

    Car washes have not made any noticeable difference at all to the quality image.


    About your vans-

    First yes they will fade. They are printed on high quality vinyl and then have a uv laminate coating on them which will allow you to wash and wax your van like you would if it didn’t have any vinyl on it.

    Here are a few items that will help prolong the life of your logos.

    Wash your van. This not only helps make your van look like a Heaven’s Best van should but any type of rocks and road grim that is on your van wont make the logos look dirty. Becareful when washing your van, it is still vinyl.

    You can wax your van if you want to take the time but is not required.

    Now getting to the fun part. If you are haveing problems with your van logos the first thing you need to do is call me and tell me what is up. Next you will need to go to the store that installed them. If they wont do anything let me know and I will see what I can do to take care of it.

    Dave mentioned – Over time, the vinyl over the contours of the van forms a gap, or bridges and is lifted out of the contour. I hesitate to return to SAR…local people are totally screwed up and will not return to them for anything at all…

    This is the most common problem that our operators are telling us about Their is a few things that you can do to help this, When you see that they are coming out of the creases just push them back – if you need just heat it up and push the vinyl back. Unless the person that installed the vinyl logos really took the time to get the logos down in the creases they will create a gap or bridge. Their is not much you can do if this is the case because you Can Not make it fit without ripping the vinyl.

    If they are not too bad just realize that their will be imperfections and that it is just vinyl. Not many of your customers couldn’t even tell you that you had the vinyl coming out of the creases of your van. They only see that you have a awesome looking van that looks really good.


    Thanks Adam.

    Larry young

    My logos Are still as awsome as the day I picked it up from corporate, (thanks again) but for bujeting purposes how long (average please) can we expect it to still look good?


    I have been looking at the installation jobs done on vans for large corporations, such as beer companies.
    I have noticed their installers have made straight cuts, and folded the vinyl into the contours. It does leave a white margin showing (white van), but the end result looks good.


    Had ours a year now and still look great. I just wash by hand with your everyday tap water. The guy who installed the logos recommended against going through any car wash. As Adam mentioned “they are vinyl, so be careful”.


    One day when i can expand to a good size shop with built in floor drain i will wash by hand, however it is far to cold up here to joke around out in it for very long, so auto car wash it is. our logos have been on for atleast three years and other then a little fading and rock dings on the hood, they look great. just thought i would throw in my two cents about possible auto car washing problems.


    Mine have been on for 4 years. Where there were air bubbles, the bubbles have cracked and the vinyl is flaking away and falling off. This is leaving the white of the van showing. Really angry (not at corporate), but angry that my local Sign A Rama shop did a crap job. 👿


    take your van into your local sign shop. They can do touch ups and patches on the vinyl that once you are 6′ away will be almost impossible to see.


    Thank you for the tip Dennis. Very kind of you. If I can get some jobs I will look into that. This back to school thing is killing me ! 😀

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