Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThis is a great topic to discuss. This is getting quite popular, people creating their own blog sites that are like web sites. Anyone out there who can perhaps mention what provider they use? Has it worked for them? Thanks ! ❓
ParticipantWe are optimized: Google, Yahoo and all the rest. Here is my current problem, situation. We have been steady in the pinpoints of Google for a few years. Over the last half a year, sometimes we disappear and come back a week to 2 weeks later. Other carpet cleaners in town, report my address to Google as, not correct. Google pulls you down for review. Meanwhile, these companies are piling on obvious fake reviews for their comapny, all 5 star reviews. When you check the name of the reviewer, and the posts left, the person has left 5 star reviews for companies in Brooklyn, Colorado Springs, Michigan and my home town all on the same day. Some reviews left are word for word identical! Google has this open back door policy that lets other visitors edit your page and profile where your reviews are. Someone posted a picture of a rugdoctor machine next to my profile and has done it to other operators too. I get calls from India, Google operators asking me questions about my address and what cross streets are nearby. When these companies are posting their bogus reviews, it cuts into my business. I had a BRUTAL month of March, our worst ever by far. I wonder how many calls were lost to these cretins. 👿
ParticipantI have to say that you have to be lightning quick when responding, or its over. Leads are now $15.00 a pop. I used to have lots of luck in the beginning, but now by the time I get a job, I break even from all the leads I just ate. I have a smartphone, so when those leads pop up, I call within 1 minute and half the time I never hear back, even after sending an immediate text. I have 15 reviews all 5 star and got a special seal of approval when I went to cancel one time. Not sure how long I’m going to stay on board with them. 😥
ParticipantI too would love to see these photos. I did a carpet estimate at a home last year (wool berber). The carpet was pretty stained. I asked the lady when was the last time she had her carpets cleaned and she said, “About 4 months ago” I was amazed ! She said Stanley Steamer (Stanley Soaker) did the carpet and it took almost 2 days to dry. She said that she had to put towels down across the hallway to get to the bedrooms.
ParticipantMine have cracked and peeled so bad on my passenger side that my van looks bad! Sign O Rama did a bad job. Granted my decals are the first generation ones that came out in 2006? I live in California so its pretty hot all the time and sunny. Wondering if I can get jut the passenger side decal set. My driver side has a few bubbles that have popped, but I can live with it. I cant park in my garage because my model train set takes up the whole garage. 8)
ParticipantSquare Application for smartphones. I was turned onto this by a customer. If you have a smartphone, you probably have this app in your menu. It is from a company called Square. No monthly fees, just a 2.75 percent charge or something close. If you check the application, it is a mini credit card processor which they send to you for free. It plugs right into the headphone jack of your smartphone. You have to enroll: add your bank account and other info. They mail it to you for free, no charge at all. When you are enrolled, they need to verify your bank account. They will put into your account, a couple of very small deposits that add up to about 25 cents total. They then withdraw this from your account to make sure all is working. I used it once, a $134.00 job, which after fees I got $130.00 wired into my account. Depending on your bank it’s a bout 1 to 2 days. Mine was in the account two days later. The person who told me about this app said he has used it for about half a year and he loves it. No setup fees, no monthly fees. Anybody out there have any comments or feedback from using this ? 🙁
ParticipantThank you for the tip Dennis. Very kind of you. If I can get some jobs I will look into that. This back to school thing is killing me ! 😀
ParticipantMine have been on for 4 years. Where there were air bubbles, the bubbles have cracked and the vinyl is flaking away and falling off. This is leaving the white of the van showing. Really angry (not at corporate), but angry that my local Sign A Rama shop did a crap job. 👿
ParticipantSo THAT’s the problem then. It would make sense as mine is the original one that came with my Oreck, 4 years ago ! I shall order two at my next purchase time. Thanks guys !
ParticipantWhen mine gets clogged from pet hair and other oddities, I take mine down to the do it yourself carwash. Hit it with a little of the soap and then the high pressure rinse up close. Knocks all those little bits right out.
ParticipantIf the only holding together the rug is the dirt and stains, bail out !