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Linda Orr
KeymasterFirst time this happened the customer warned me it would happen and not to worry that it would flatten back out. They were right. But now I know why.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI should also mention that I now have to use a bunch more towels. It is the only way I know the carpet is completely clean. The towels wear out fast and so it isn’t as cost efficient. Without a controled environment it is hard to tell how much better they work.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI now use Dave’s method of cleaning the micro fiber pads with the towels and drying them together. To me the best thing about the micro fiber pad is that it is light and isn’t so rough on my washer.
Linda Orr
KeymasterTo me FAE is an urban legend. I used it occasionally on heavely soiled carpets with dark traffic areas and wasn’t that impressed. Then after the Vegas seminar it was being treated like it was some kind of miracle product. So I tried using it more and took all the suggestions that were given. Still wasn’t a miracle product for me.
I used it on a paticularly greesy, light colored carpet and though it lightened it up, it was still dark and you could see a definite traffic area. This was with a regular customer and I had tried the FAE each time with the same results. Then I did some experimenting on a job that was difficult and the customer was very very obsessed with her carpet. It had to not only look clean. It had to “feel” clean. It took a few tries and also I discovered by detectvie work what was causing the carpet to “feel” different. I used the FAE and it didn’t work. After several other experiments, my last try was Citrus Boost. I used a high consentrate of the product as a pre-spray, then cleaned using 101 and 12 oz of Citrus Boost. It worked! Customer was impressed and very happy.
The next time I went to do the light colred carpet with the dark traffic ways, I mixed in 12 oz of Citrus Boost. I wet the carpet down more than usual in those areas and went over it several extra times. I almost fell over when I was done. I couldn’t even see the traffic areas. The carpet literally looked new. The customer was stunned as well. Since then I have been using 12 oz of Citrus Boost instead of FAE and the result have been amazing! It is easier and faster. FAE is okay but I think the FAE is way over blown. Just my opinion.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI did my first job with the new wood floor product. I was very disappointed and so was the customer. The demo made it sound like it would help with the scratches on the floor especially if you used the red polishing pad. The floor looked clean but I think they can make it look clean. I was expecting much more. I smoothed it over by giving a huge discount on my price. I was so embarassed. Maybe I didn’t do it right.
Linda Orr
KeymasterThe next go round I will be dropping on of the three yellow page books. I already reduced my ad in one of the others. We do have a book that is dominant in this area and I plan on staying in it for the now.
Linda Orr
KeymasterStarted drying the pads and my techs say they do work better that way.
Linda Orr
KeymasterStill only one job from the radio ad. Don’t know how much longer to continue.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI tried the internet a couple years ago and got absolutely zero. From what I have read maybe it is time to try again and a new tactic. I like the Heaven’s Best web sight offer and plan to try that.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI just started an ad campaign on our local Christian station. I sponser the weather. I have been on for two months and have tracked one phone call and job to the spot. I pay $150 a month. I am hoping I will get more from the ad when spring comes.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI am still a bit sceptical but one of my techs loves them. Says they are way good. I do like the fact that I can wash them in my own washer because they aren’t as bulky as the other pads. I too use the finishing towel to determine if the carpet is clean.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI’ve been using these pads for a while now. I haven’t made up my mind yet. I had one come apart on me. I hope they are as durable as the other pads.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI am looking in to Has anyone heard of them or used them. The cost is about $2500 per year and the drive searches in you area to you from any search engine.
Linda Orr
KeymasterJust want to be clear on what you said.
There is an America’s Best carpet cleaner in my area. Is the company you are talking about an ad company or do you know if they are a carpet cleaning company trying to do damage to other companies.
Linda Orr
KeymasterGot a phone call from by LiveDeal. They said they could guarantee return on $2500 investment. They direct searches for carpet cleaning and whatever else you do to your web sight. They say that the search can be originated from any search engine.
Has anyone else heard of this? I would also like more response on anyone else using anything similar to this type of advertising.