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Linda Orr
KeymasterTo address your other questions about balance, I had set myself a salary that was just about right but when things slowed down with the economy my wife had already put it into our budget and couldn’t do with less. This put me in a situation that I never had to deal with before. I have always kept myself in a position where I didn’t have to worry about keeping a job I didn’t like or have to do something I didn’t want to do. This was always my piece of mind and though I always worked I never felt trapped. I always lived wellbelow my means. Now I have much more posessions and such but hate the feeling of worrying about makeing the amount of money needed to keep up.
On the other hand, the wife is happy and that is the most important thing anyway.
Again, thanks for the support!
Linda Orr
KeymasterThanks for your support. It helps to think of the things that owning my own business allows me to do. As of today, I am feeling much better. Took a trip to see my son and was able to relax.
Linda Orr
KeymasterR U saying you only charge .02 – .03 per square foot? I usually show a discount from .16 to .12 or .10 and say it is a package deal. This has been successful. I have started apply much more than I sued to. I also inform the customer that it is not a miracle product but is a very good product. I tell them some of the things that can get through it.
Linda Orr
KeymasterHere is another one for you. Working on Berber one fine day I was frustrated because where we had cleaned out some spills with the spotter plus extractor using only water were brighter and very noticeable after we cleaned with our regular bonnet and cleaning solutions. We tried re-cleaning with no better result. The spots stood out so bad I wasn’t sure what to do. So I tried something completely different. I put just plain hot water it our 2 1/2 gallon jug and sprayed as usual. To my surprise it worked wonderfully. I could see the differnce as I was buffing. Carpet looked absolutely fantastic when I was finished. Could not see the spots anymore and the customer was stunned as well. Tried the same thing on another berber carpet with the same results. Can’t tell you why this worked or if it will continue to work. Tried it one more time on a dark traffic pattern on a white carpet (non-berber) worked again. If someone else trys this, let me know the results. Again, no idea why this works. I had done an extraction on a berber carpet with just plane water when a customer wasn’t happy with a large secton that looked darker than the rest of the carpet. This also worked wonderfully.
Linda Orr
My understanding of Portable Extract is that it is to be used with hot water and for HW extraction. I have used this quiet a bit recently and it has always done a great job for me. I always follow this with our regular solution and bonnet cleaning. I have to use several bonnets to get it dry as well as get all the soiling that the extracation leaves behind. But it works on very badly soiled carpet.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI guess the other thing I would say is that money has been very tight lately and so when I do try to make the balance and have time for myself, I feel anxiety because I should be working. When I first started I had a great balance between work and personal time and loved the freedom running my own business offered. But with the anxiety of bringing in the needed cash flow, I have lost that. With that said, I do appreciate every time I am able to go do something for my family or friends when they need me. I think the most important thing is to bring my life back into balance. So, that is why I am headed to Las Vegas, NV this weekend. It isn’t just a pleasure trip, it is to visit my son who lives there who is having some troubles. My job is allowing me to do this. I am going to try and relax as much as possible. Though last time I got stuck in the airport for 14 hours and ended up renting a car at 8:00 pm and driving all night in order to make it back for a very important job.
Thanks for letting me vent. I look forward to Orlando to be around you. I am all alone here in New Mexico and need some time with my fellow Heaven’s Best people. In the past that has always been a cure.Linda Orr
KeymasterThanks for all your help and suggestions. Some I have tried and they do work to an extent. My biggest problem is that I loved my job before this one. It was what I always dreamed of doing, so that suggestions dosen’t fly too much with me. Also, without getting into much detail and personal info, I tick a bit different than others, (I think John and Cody could probably attest to this). Many things that work for most people don’t do a thing for me. Motivational speakers (exept one, that I heard) usually drive me nuts. I don’t mean to be a downer and I will try again with your suggestions. Just hearing them from others in the business is helpful. I do like being around positive people even though I am mostly a idealist/ realist (actually diagnosed as an introverted extrovert if you can believe that).
Linda Orr
KeymasterAlso, until I figure it out and know what to tell my customers to expect or not expect I have a hard time pitching it to customers. I gave some to a really big customer for their marble tile. I told them they could have free refills and to let me know what they thought. I haven’t heard back from them and it has been quite some time. I will be contacting them to follow up.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI am pissed about my van logos. The company put them on with several seams across each side. Less than a year later the seams started breaking off or chipping. I told Cody about it and they said they would look into it. I thought the seams were kind of strange to begin with but corprate gave the okay when I sent the pics so I thought it must be normal.
Linda Orr
KeymasterBut how long does is it good for. One year? More? Will it last through my next cleaning or do they need to have it reapplied each time?
Linda Orr
KeymasterTried FAE again. I used 3 scoops of product for 2 1/2 gallon jug. Not sure how many ounces that is. I had my techs pay close attention to the difference on where we used it and where we didn’t and give me their oppinion. Both techs said they could not tell the difference.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI mix one scoop per gallon of extra warm water, apply and let dwell for at least 10 minutes.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI must be doing something wrong. I tried using the FAE again. Cut loop burber carpet traffic area. I could not tell the difference between where I applied the FAE and where I hadn’t. I havne’t had one of those experiences where it has blown me away. Every time I use it I end up wondering why.
Any help for me out there?
Linda Orr
KeymasterI haven’t heard of them but am interested in hearing how well it works for you if you decide to try it.
Linda Orr
KeymasterHow long do you tell your customers the protection will last?