Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Cleaning Products Multi-Surface Cleaner

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  • #144714
    Linda Orr

    I was excited about the Multi-surface cleaner but haven’t found it to do much. What exactly is it supposed to do? I used it on everything in my house that is says it is supposed to clean and on my truck and van as well. It left streaks on the windows and the chrome. Windex works much bertter. I also used it on some purgo in my house. Not impressed to say the least. Again, what is it supposed to CLEAN?

    Linda Orr

    Also, until I figure it out and know what to tell my customers to expect or not expect I have a hard time pitching it to customers. I gave some to a really big customer for their marble tile. I told them they could have free refills and to let me know what they thought. I haven’t heard back from them and it has been quite some time. I will be contacting them to follow up.


    Are you using a micro fiber towel and micro fiber mop? I’ve been pretty impressed with it so far. I used it to clean a dirty stove and it worked better than simple green.

    Linda Orr

    Yes I have been using micro fiber cloth. I notice the streaks mostly on glass or chrome. On the stove, did it remove grease?

    Linda Orr

    Yes I have been using micro fiber cloth. I notice the streaks mostly on glass or chrome. On the stove, did it remove grease?


    I used in on the grease that runs down the side of the stove. Sprayed it on and let it set for awhile and then wiped it right off. We use it on our glass top stove and it it works great.

    Linda Orr

    And you aren’t getting any streaking? I know the glass looked pretty good until the light hit it at a different angle. Then I saw all these streaks.


    my first impression of the m.s.c. wasnt great either. used it on a granit countertop . it streaked , had to keep going over it


    A little goes along ways. I use very little just a mist or two and use a micro fiber towel to clean and then flip the towel over and go over with dry side and no streaking.

    Linda Orr

    But is it made for cleaning or just the finishing. I haven’t tried this yet but I think if I clean the surface with regular cleaner then use the MSC to finish off then it may not streak. But then again, why do two processes when there are products that do both in one step?

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