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ParticipantI’m not familiar with “signpost”. I Googled it. Still nothing. What do they offer or do better than anyone else?
ParticipantThe key is believing in it. Having integrity will bring consistency and growth regardless of the economy. Point black. Don’t sell it unless 1) you believe in it and 2) you truly feel it would benefit them.
If you do this, it won’t feel like a “sales…”. You instead will be doing them a service.
Trust, you will only have temporary success with out it.hbottumwa
It would be very odd to have either of them go out. Like less then one percent. Has anything changed from the last time you charged it? Do you have two chargers, the old charger is opposite on the terminals. I had an old one and had to change connections(+/-) to made it work right. Is any connection (outside or inside the power sprayer) touching medal? Give me a call. Gordonhbottumwa
ParticipantSummer is GREAT! 95+ a little warm.
ParticipantI’ve had to go back before to remove a second time. Always rinse well, and EXTRACT with the upholstery mate. Manytimes it looks great when you leave but will wick up as it drys. To avoid this, use the upholstery mate step. Check with John at corporate.
In my years I’ve learned that baby formula as well as other “harmless” products can leave bleach spots in carpets.
Another note; I had been accused if doing something I know I didn’t do. When push came to shove they “wanted” me to replace the carpet and they didn’t want to pay for the job. I’ve told my kids they could want what they want but that didn’t mean that’s what they’re going to get. Somehow my kids still love me…
So, in our last meeting about the job, he still refused to pay for the work, so I had nothing to loose as far as I was concerned. So, I said “You will never prove I did anything wrong, because of my experience, I know I did not do what you have accused me of doing. Perhaps some day you will be accused of something you didn’t do and will know what you are trying to put me though. I have enjoyed a 99.3% Customer Satisfaction Rate. Never the less, because of your reaction, it is our policy, I can never do work for you again.” I walked out and that was done. I found out about nine months later he left the area. I never got paid, nor did I ever get accused further either.hbottumwa
ParticipantNow the dirties from the van to the washer, different story. I’ve used the drag behind plastic garbage container with the lid, big handle, and wheels.
ParticipantNo wonder I was getting such great results!
I know Cody said 2oz per gallon max. I knew that was the mix for Quick boost, but until now have always used 1oz per gallon and because it works great, I will still continue as before. That’s just me.hbottumwa
ParticipantWhen using FAE, I spray enough on to use a BBC pad to work the carpet before respraying with cleaner and Orange Deodorizer mixed. So I work the carpet after letting it sit for the 10-15 minutes. One, it absorbs and two, it still works the carpet at the high Ph.
So, I mix 1 (to 2 scoops max) of FAE per gallon of hot water (but not to hot to burn my hand, it will kill the enzymes). I put this through the power sprayer and mix 12oz of 101 and 1-2oz of OD to two gallons of (cold) water in my 2 1/2 gallon pump sprayer (that really only holds 2 gallons). Here, in Eastern Oregon, I have found the results kicking awesome!hbottumwa
My understanding, is that almost all soils nation wide are acid base. That our 101 cleaning solution, leaves no dirt attracting residue, plus with the combination of the working revolution of the buffer pad, the absorption in to the pad, and the encapsulation process, creates the Ph neutralization as it drys and therefore the awesome process we have today!hbottumwa
ParticipantGood topic! I read and was impressed with the book “Les Schwab, Pride in Performance”. He is the founder of the Les Schweb Tire Center and the book is about his life history and how he ran the business. He did profit sharing (Pg 24) that also includes a healthy retirement bonus(Pg 31&32). As a result I did a profit sharing program as well as a $2,000 credit toward their own purchase of a Heaven’s Best franchise (anywhere one’s available) each twelve months up to $10,000. Unless they quit or get fired. Kind of makes them think twice about leaving. There is always two sides of coin, meaning you have to find out what they want that will keep them going even in an occasional cat … job and go from there. You could apply the Tom Sawyer approach “Not just anyone could paint this fence. It takes someone extraordinary to do this. Do you think your up for it…” You might even get a marble or chewing gum out of the opportunity.
ParticipantI have never used Home (lower your price to make no money to attract business and give us your profit for us to recommend you) adviser. Sarcastic, okay guilty. Positive answer. I would rather give the percentage off the add-on portion and add to the total dollar amount in the home per-visit and most especially when the weather is so so. Example: When I was in your situation… I once did a 50% off protector when you get your upholstery cleaned at regular price in February only. Also I had a 20% off upholstery in February only. I was glad to find that about half did some carpet too. Interestingly, the 20% off created more cash flow. We are mostly talking residential here.
On the commercial side, this is a good time to seek commercial accounts.
“Mom and Pop shops”, this a great time to approach them for a one time restorative clean and a monthly maintenance cleaning. Just stop in, introduce yourself and ask if you can leave them an estimate. Ask them to check out your website and ask when would it be the best time for them to have the cleaning done.
“Office buildings” are awesome also, it take more visits and more work to get, but worth the bigger volume, no travel time between jobs if you know what I mean.Interestingly, in 2016, Loren is my sixth best producer and Pat is number one. Pat wouldn’t be on top without his commercial work. They are both great guys.
Participantlast I knew, 12 oz (or 1 1/2 cups) gets mixed to a two gallon jug for cleaning. 7.1-8oz to a gallon for spot remover.
“Pro-spotter” as it is called can be the major mojoe. Like 12oz of Orange deodorizer, 12oz of 101cleaner, and 12oz of Citrus Booster, mixed in a gallon jug with the rest water. Shake well before each use. Ya, major mojoe.So, mixing in a gallon and transferring to spray bottle bottle can be an education. I’ve done as Dave has done. Dave’s a good man! I found that turning the sprayer bottle at a 45 degree angle and pour slow helps. As foams comes to the top, put the lid on it and turn it upside down and back up once, reopen and you’ll have more room. Part of the process is patience. You may need to come back in five minutes to be able to complete the job. I’ve also tried filling the bottle 2/3’rds with water and then putting in the concentrate from the proper amount from a mixing cup and then putting in water to complete the task. Good luck! This message may self destruct in five minutes.
ParticipantReminds me of the movie “Snow Ball Express”. The ski resorts bar water came from the lake. A guy was complaining he has a fish in his beer. The bar manager quietly told him to “Keep it down. Everyone we’ll want one.”
We could all use a “star” or two!. Adam, Bill! Does that cost extra?
Ha Ha. Have a blessed day! -