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MemberBBC’s for me… me high maintenance but I prefer not to have to clean the napper out after every job and power wash it when I get home…I work too hard during the day cleaning carpets….I used the napper for one and a half years when I started the biz…used it religiously…and then I found the BBC…and I cant tell a diff really…accept that the BBC’s wear out faster than the green striped pads in the napper obviously. But its worth it to me in time to pay a little more money every year in BBC pads…time is money after all when your self employed…and my free time is precious to me….4 kids and all. In addition…the BBC is more absorbent than the green reg pad inside the napper….so its almost like doing pass with the woven turf….not quite but it helps in time that way too….
Memberwow I thought it solved the problem….took care of the odor not masked it….am I wrong?
MemberI was taught that the max life time mixed for FAE is 30 minutes then it renders neutral… works for me too but I only use it on heavily soiled areas. I’ve also noticed that if it dwells too long…say longet than the half hour that it doesnt work as well…ya need to mix up more…kinda inconvenient. Evans right…the ph difference between FAE and quick boost is only 1….FAE 13 and quickboost is 12. ..but the beauty of quick boost is that there is no limit to the dwell time…the longer it sits…. the better it works…..I use it as a prespray for bad areas while I’m cleaning the good….works wonderfully.
MemberThe bbc rules….used to use the dirt napper all the time but the bbc is the go to on almost every job now…first the bbc then the woven turf….gresat combo…havent tried the micros yet except on the stairs and I love them there….got to get some for the floor when I can afford it
MemberSame thing happened to me but as I was trying to figure it out, it arced and started shooting sparks all over the homeowners carpet on the stairway. So be careful if this starts to act up on you and cut in and out….this means, take it apart as soon as ossible so you dont almost ruin the ladys carpet and make a big scene like I did….scared the heck out of me…..but when it happens you just need to take it apart and rerun the electric cord…not so bad.
MemberYou mean not the bacon collar?
MemberMaybe also just get a labeler and put a label on the corresponding bottle …….for instance put 10 to one or 20 to 1 on the hard surface cleaner bottle depending on how dirty the grout is….or 16 to 1 on the fresh scent bottle etc….just an idea…Its easy to forget when you dont use something that often…
MemberGuardsman is great but I dont get enough work from them. Too many operators in my area are hooked up with them I guess. But when I do get an email form them its a big woo hoo. Does anybody know of any other companies that do the insurance thing like valspar/guardsman does? Someone mentioned scotchguard…….do they have a similar system? If anyone knows….please let me know>
MemberI hear what youre saying, but I also keep lint that I pick up off of the carpets in that pocket too……..huh…I keep trying to put some in there but theres no pocket. Creature of habit. I also keep my checks in there along with the pen in the pen slot. Oh well ….win some and you lose some.
MemberJust got my first one…red….havent worn it yet but I have a feeling I’m gonna like it. Not only to work in but to golf in….I’ve been wanting to get a shirt embroidered to wear to golf tournaments…promotional ones like with the chambers and such….but embroidery costs to much. These shirts are less than what it would cost to have one embroidered.
I like the shirts we already wear but hate it when your in a tight space and the gaps where the buttons on the shirt are get caught on the release button or the rubber handles on the buffer….that drives me crazy. Looking forward to wearing these. Pretty good looking shirts.foobar
MemberAs usual Lew you are full of great ideas….you make me want to fair man…..I have the banner but I havent got off my keester to do one yet….partially because I didnt have enough ideas….thanks again.
Youve obviously tried both methods, the paste and the new liquid, do you notice a big difference in the shine and slipperiness. And does it make you happy when you leave….I mean are you totally satisfied……?foobar
MemberMan I love these things…where have you been all my carpet cleaning life…like I said I was afraid to you them because I thought it would wear the carpet down. But now I use them all the time. If there was a time that it was borderoine whether to use the dirtnapper or not, I would always use it and then have to clean the darn thing out. Now I just use the BBC and throw it in the wash when done …and they do a great job of cleaning….theyre expensive….might complain a little more when I have to buy some more….but until then……me likey!
MemberYup…perfect sense…thanks.
MemberThanks Dave I will use them now and I wont fear… you use them in conjunction with the napper or instead of when you do a standard cleaning? Splain a lil for me maybe?