Forum Replies Created
Participant🙁 Well I guess this is where I break “rank” with other state Owners, Quote Cody made a good point: only the top operators and truly committed will be at the seminar (Glad that was not posted on the city BB.). I have no reason to doubt you Ammon, but I wish that had not been said. Some of my best operators will not be attending, Reasons for not attending. 1 operator’s wife just lost her $55,000.00 a year job along with Health care, another one has jobs already booked for Jan. (just so happens this is our busiest time of year). Another one just simply can not afford it. When we were asked for a vote at last State owners meeting, it was for State owners meeting, nothing was said about National Seminar for city owners. I would be willing to bet if meeting were in Florida, half of city owners in West would not attend. (Man lives in Texas said he can not afford to go!!!) I told Cody from day one this was not the year for a National Seminar, and I still believe it. We have already put enough new expenses on operator’s for one year. I will close by saying I have had 12 straight Regional Seminars that my people tell me, were all very informative and much appreciated. I see this as a big mistake, “this year”.
Ron Smith
P.S. I wrote a check for $250.00 for everyone of my people attending. I can’t do any more!!!!!!!
ParticipantAmmon, Dennis and all the positives, 😆
I can’t agree enough with all your comments about logos, I’m riding with all my people for a day before the end of year and my man in Brandon was the first operator in FL to change over, They (sign-a-rama) got the wrong DPI and had to send out new ones to him. You get more than two feet away and they look absolutely great, (a few tiny bubbles that could develop on any vinyl job) He said it has increased his calls daily. He plans on new ones installed later next month, the present ones are not hurting him at all.
ParticipantGood ,we’ve got a date for next summer (I’ll buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Great to see you on the web site, just a wealth of information from all of our franchises. I don’t know how the question of “employees got under the tittle of buffer and pads ? I think you should try that question as a new topic and you will get a lot of answers. Again great to see you on the B.B.
ParticipantHi Gordon,
Not a bad idea at all, just because we don’t answer!!!!!!! I wrote about doing a “road show” and no one answered me, but I’m not taking that as a bad idea, in fact I’m planning on trying one shortly after our State seminar. I’m just not sure how you do a national radio ad and have it effective, maybe during a Paul Harvey or Don Imas (ms) show?
Have a good day and looking forward to seeing you in Jan. 07
ParticipantTHANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you on the board, How about getting Craig on?
ParticipantHi Bryan,
You are correct about purchase of buffers and I have talked with John at corporate and they have already called them, (tennant) on the “carpet” (no pun intended) about losing business . Also this might be a good time to promote the LMCCA that corporate is pushing, I joined last week and am pretty impressed with their web site. It will help us all stop that kind of nonsense by tennant!!!!!!!!!!
Ron Smith
State Owner Floridachez6996
ParticipantIf I remember correctly, We all have signed contracts with corporate that said: We will use only there equipment and supplies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind of like Mcdonalds, with using only there food products.
Ron Smith
State Owner Floridachez6996
Participant😆 Hi Den
Congradulations on your new van order but I’m worried that they may never find Gorham NH to deliver!!!!!!!!!!!! I lived in NH for more than 45 years and know where Gorham is, Only kidding, I have a summer home at Sunapee, NH which we go to every summer, maybe we can “hook” up next summer for a Maine lobster feed?????????? Again good luck with your new van and business.
Ron Smith
State Owner, Floridachez6996
🙁 I can not agree with you more, that all of us are one big network!!!!!! Just last week I was doing a final sales pitch, really I was closing the deal (1 1/2 hour on phone), from Palm Coast, FL. when out of the blue he said to me ,Oh I guess I forgot to tell you, My wife and I are moving to MI. and that’s where I want to buy territory. Well I must say it sure “burst my bubble” for a few minutes. After I recovered, I called Corporate gave them his name and I think he’s in training this week!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with him State owner of MI. Who is that any way????? Gene Dunn!!!!!!!!
Ron Smithchez6996
ParticipantI can not agree with Gordon and Dan more, When I bought, 15 years ago you received enough supplies to do appx. $10,000.00 worth of business. I did not wait for the phone to ring, I did every Real Estate office in the area for FREE!!!!!!!! Than I took every chair in that office(after hours) cleaned it and put my business card on each chair, The agents that are still in the business, still use HB to this day. I also joined Chamber of Commerce but you must be active in it, just joining will not be enough. I was a native of a northern state, moved to Fl with no “southern accent” and I almost broke $60,000.00 my 1st year. 😮 (remember 15 years ago).
Ron Smith
State Owner Floridachez6996
ParticipantFor some reason my Florida people are afraid to use this valuable tool “the voice board” so I will answer for many of them!!!!!!!! I think we “hollered first” about getting into T&G cleaning because we saw so much of it being put in homes and offices down here, Corporate spent a year or more researching before they gave us our cleaning line, Yes, it is labor intense (the grout) but we can price accordingly, some cleaners are getting a dollar per sq. my people get at least .75 per sq. which now makes it worth while. The tile cleaning is normally a “piece of cake” We wanted tile cleaning so we could keep our good customers, before, we would go in a home, clean everything except tile in kitchen or bath and when the customer asked us if we could clean those areas, we would have to say no. This left the door open for another cleaner to get into our good customer’s home, something we did not want to happen! My feeling is all HB operators should be offering tile cleaning !!!!!!!!!!
Hope this helps
Ron Smith
State Owner, Florida
P.S. We are now seeing many new homes 100% tile or carpet only in bedrooms.chez6996
ParticipantHi Gordon,
Normally I would agree with you, Do you answer the phone? But I have an operator in Orlando who speaks such “broken english” that nobody can understand him and they hang up!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to get him to hire somebody to answer phone who can close the job, but having no luck at this time. Looks like it could be a failure!!!!!!!! What’s the next move for me??????
Ron 🙁
P.S. Cody said: Have him sell sell sellchez6996
Participant“ALL BOOKED FOR A WEEK”!!!!!!!!! Still looking for cheaper air fares for two!!!!!!!!
I’m not sure I would spend $800.00-$1,000.00 being a new franchise, I asked all my people to join local chamber of commerce and be active. Appx. cost $50.00 up to $250.00 per year. At some point in the year they sponsor a large home show in local malls, I have helped 2 or 3 of my people do these shows. They were all very well received with them booking jobs, but more important, being new getting the Heaven’s Best name out in the area. One show we even had a dirty chair with the upholstery unit on site. As Laura said, we had many “give aways” which led to a lot of names and phone numbers. Hope this helps!
Ron Smith
State Owner Florida -