Terms and Conditions
These statement explains the terms and conditions for using CORP.HEAVENSBEST.COM.
Image Uploads
Only administrators are permitted to upload images to the website. Before uploading an image, make sure that the meets with all the following criteria:
- Copyright - All images must comply with United States copyright law in that it they are an original work, are copyrighted but permission has been given to use the image here, are copyrighted but able to be used under creative commons, or are in the public domain. If a copyrighted image has been authorized to be used here or is available to use under creative commons then these permissions must be noted along with any appearance of the image on the site. When in doubt, do not upload copyrighted images.
- Content - Images may not be uploaded that contain nudity or other sexually suggestive content, hate speech, credible threats or direct attacks on an individual or group, content that contains self-harm or excessive violence, malicious code, or spam. All images uploaded should be professional and high resolution.
- Size - Images larger than 5 megabytes are not permitted to be uploaded. Any attempt to circumvent the system in place to prevent such uploads is considered a violation of these terms and conditions except where written approval has been given. Types of attempts include but are not limited to alteration of the cod or use third-party tools to allow for upload of images that violate this statement.
Order Emails
When placing an order on the shop, information regarding your order may be shared with the state owner over the state where your franchise resides via email and via access to information on the company website under password protection and encryption. Such information includes the order number, the date the order was placed, the amount paid, your billing address information (including your billing address, your company name, your first and last name, your phone number, and your email address), your shipping information (including your shipping address, your company name, and your first and last name), an item by item description of your order (including the item ID, name, price, and how many of that item was purchased), any discounts and taxes applicable to the order, and the final total of the order.
Opting Out
Agreement to all these terms and conditions is required for use of any part of this website without exception.