Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYou mean pull or push into the dealer don’t you?
ParticipantWe ahve both sprayers and never bought the cart…nor would I. Waste of time and money…carry. walk and spray. I know it must be fun spraying down steps…
When we had a 2nd sprayer and the stupidity of not rounding the sharp corners of the unit ruined 3 pair of pant for my son….i ground them down with a Dremel
ParticipantEvan….it is better that you do not know…very dangerous.
ParticipantPersonally, if someone will not leave a mesage, I most probably do not want them as a customer. Since the first month or so in business, I have not been answering hardly any calls that do not have a phone number displayed and if I do, I answer and ask them to leave their number so I could call them back in a feew minutes.
My experience has been that the no number calls have been 96-98% either shoppers or competition or telemarketers. New customers who do leave a number, I call back immediately and 90++% of the time close them.
Just my experience in Lancaster County, PA for the past 6 years.
ParticipantOne of the nastiest things that I noticed with the newer sprayer is the contraption on the backside to allow it to fit on the carrier. My original sprayer did/does not have the two metal pieces on it and my son had worked with it for some months before getting his own, newer sprayer.
Well, with the unfamiliar unit, it had sharp corners and it ripped and ruined 3 khaki pairs of pants and cut his fingers many times. I finally ground and rounded everything with a Dremel tool and no longer have the problem…
I fixed the problem of the curled hose in the bottom that would not allow the unit to pump to empty…that was a pain to fiddle with. No more pain now, it now empties to about 1/3 of a cup.
Just had a nut leak on the handle and replaced the handle locally. Now I have a back up for that.
The overall unit is much heavier than I would like, but the carrier is something I cannot see a use for on 95% + of our residential/commercial jobs. Just something else to break, fiddle with and manage.
One last thing that I am going to address for our sprayers is a holder for the wands. All of our wand issues are attributable to their falling in the van, being dropped on the floor, or having no intelligent place to put it, so it will not get bent, hit, smashed or suffer other damage.
Each and every problem with a piece of equipment can cause down time, becomes something to overcome and always costs us money out of pocket and lost production…sometimes serious money. I am thankful that I never pitched any of the pumps I replaced over the years. But our $200 + in pumps are ready for use if needed.
One thing about the sprayer that I do like is, it is rather easy to repair.
Just my 2 cents…
ParticipantMay God Bless Greg Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In about 6 weeks, we went from second or third page to 5 place on the first.
Thanks so mu…
Dave Dilts
ParticipantIf the battery drains quickly, then there may be a short or intermittent short in the wiring. In these non-UL listed units and jerry rigged all over the place, it would be easy to get one. I shorted my battery once accidentally and had to get another.
Don’t forget the tip of the sprayer. I purchased a number of them locally and found one that did a great job in the one unit.
ParticipantJoANn, Dan and I wear either white or blue shirt, khaki long pants (no shorts) and leather loafers. We always wear booties inside the home.
(I know that not many other carpet cleaners around here wear booties and it makes a huge difference since damp carpeting cleans off the bottom of shoes very well. We also leave enough pairs for the family or realtor.)
Little things like long pants, leather loafers and booties may seem trivial, but they register high in the subliminal scale…
Also, vans are kept clean and neat in appearance.
ParticipantDay after tomorrow, we are going to be cleaning an empty parsonage that has some wrinkles in the carpeting. The customer was elated that we would be able to handle them, without going to someone else. Dan is IICRC Certified in repairs.
Nice extra pop on a job.
They never even asked the cost…they just want it done right. We had cleaned before for them.
Have a great week and month.
We go some 3-5 weeks or so between charges….did I misunderstand?
ParticipantListen to Greg…he KNOWS.
By natural backlinking, I have moved t about 8 or 9 on the page and also at the bottom…Plus, within 3 wks I got another backlink recognized…all due to Greg.
I cannot wait to see what happens when the rest of them kick in…
THANKS GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantWhoever Fred is? Never heard of him..must be a big guy though.
ParticipantYou might have a piece of grit or something i the tip…It may be restricting the flow. It really does not take much. I took mine to a farmer’s store and they put a new, different size tip on and voila! works great.
ParticipantI am already backlinking…thanks sooooo much. From time to time if you would check it would be appreciated. I learned that .edu and .gov are especially powerful…but I am gong to directories, etc…
Thanks again.
ParticipantI have a much simpler method…at least it works for me.
If the phone rings and the caller is an out of area caller, I do not answer. If they are a prospective customer they will leave a message.
If the phone rings and the caller is blocked as UNKNOWN CALLER, I do not answer…If they are a prospective customer, they will leave a message and I will call them back.
If the phone rings and it is a local number, I answer…99% of the time, it is either a shopper, potential customer, competitor or customer.
Lately, I have been placing my customer numbers and names in the phone so I know who is calling and answer with their name.( they are important to me). Also, do not answer for other strange calls.
If a potential customer who has their phone number blocked and has a problem with getting my voicemail, then I suppose that I might not wish to have them as a customer.
I return all calls very rapidly….
Dave, one thing I never get is frustrated from someone trying to steal my time for nothing…and when I am working or driving or otherwise tied up…that is worth a lot to me. I HATE getting stroked by anyone on their terms.
Lately, I think the competition has gotten onto this method…I recently had 2 different males call at 7:20 and 7:30 AM the same day for quotes for cleaning….I thought it was rather weird, and put 2 and 2 together in about 10 minutes and thought…I bet these guys worked for someone locally…
I plan on calling them back one of these days…
Have we lost sales from this practice?? Maybe a few…maybe not though.
Just my 2 cents.
Dave Dilts