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Linda Orr
KeymasterI am selling my business. I have been offered 40,000 plus he pays for the training cost and I keep my old van (not worth much but I might get a couple thousand out of it.) If I had time, I would wait, but just have to take what is offered at this point. My thinking is this. To buy a new franchise it is something like 25,000. That comes with one set of equipment and some products. I’m not sure of the total value of these. But With the franchise you must buy a van. So with that said, 25,000 plus the van, mine is worth about 15,000. That puts the value of a brand new business with out the extra equipment that I have, and without the customer list at 40,000.
From my meetings with the guy who is buying my business, the franchise really isn’t worth a monetary value. He said the customer list isn’t really worth anything either. If that is the case then I am getting a good deal. However, I did ask him if I could keep the customer list since it wasn’t worth anything. That was a no. Don’t really remember the answer to the question of why he doesn’t just go buy the equipment and product somewhere else.
All in all, I think the customer list and the franchise are what you have to sell. The equipment can be bought somewhere else. And if they don’t care about quality they can buy their product somewhere else.
Basically I’m just talking out loud. To me, the guy is getting a spectacular deal. To the buyer maybe he sees it differently right now. But I think if he truly is worried about if he got a good deal, he will be amazed in a short time just what a great deal he got.
Let me know what you think and if anyone wants to make an offer over 40,000 let me know ASAP!Linda Orr
KeymasterI spent about a year getting QB customer manager set up so I only had to click a couple buttons and it would print out mailing labels for each month’s reminder cards. Now QB customer manager is no more. Yes I am pretty mad. However moving on, what do you use or what method etc. to get your monthly reminders sent out? In QB I have a field named “Reminder”. Every time I do a job, I put the month (1, 2 … 12) in that field. I can print a report for each month but to print the labels I have to mark each customer individually. Then if I make a mistake, which is quite often, I have to go back through and mark each customer again. I need help!
Linda Orr
KeymasterI have been paying them for over four months now. Sent a trouble ticket with a question 2 months ago and haven’t received a response. I am fed up with them. I am about to make several calls if I have to and get my money back. I feel I have been scammed! So far it has been a big waste of money. They seem to be able to send the bill and collect money each month but can’t even respond to an email. What’s the deal? If anyone has had any success with them, please let me know what I can do.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI appreciate all that you have offered me and your help. The seminar was a rejuvenating experience and I enjoyed talking to each of you in person. Thanks for your help and concern.
Linda Orr
KeymasterNot to be a debbie downer, but if I only get one tip out of this seminar I am going to be pretty ticked off. I am spending a week away from work. It doesn’t help that I lost my lead tech and have no one to cover for me while I’m gone. The money I am putting in to this is not insignificant. The main office has built up my expectations for this seminar and I hope they deliver. I expect they will. I do think just being around other operators will be a good thing and help my “burn out”. See you there!
Linda Orr
KeymasterSorry, but this is just anicdotal. FAE? What is it made for exactly. For instance grease in a restraunt is not going to be any different in one area to the next. There is very little difference in dirt or oil or whatever. If FAE is made to break down a specific type of soiling then what is it!!!!!! Is there no science in this? The only explanation I have come close to understanding is mabe the diffence in the water we use. But can anyone explain the science behind FAE? Every time I use it, it is a waist of my time. Until I get some science behind this then everyone is just guessing.
Linda Orr
KeymasterEven when using red dye remover you are supposed to rinse it out. At least that is what I think I read in the instruction manual.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI do still use the reusable bags. It just depends on the situation.
Linda Orr
KeymasterEXACTLY! That is what I have been saying for about 7 years now. I have also been using the reusable bags that come with the full bag set up. These work great and save money. I have 3 and if one gets too dirty to shake out well, I can just put a clean one in. I blow them out at the end of the day if necessary.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI need some help on bidding for a huge government building. Over 23,000 square ft. of carpet and then at least that in upholstery (siding of cubical walls, inside and out). I am getting more info on the job but what they have “said” is that it is a once a month job.
One big problem is that in the job description it requires “Steam Cleaning”. Not sure how to deal with this. Can you convince them of Low Moisture or should I just plan on using the Ninja?
Only two other companies were invited to bid. Both are HWE truck mount method.
Any help would be appreciated.
Linda Orr
KeymasterI think I’ve tried it with every possible combination of water, mix and on every different kind of soiling. All my side by side tests didn’t show any difference. Side with FAE took longer due to having more moisture and needing more passes to get adequately dry. Has anyone else done side by side comparison?
Linda Orr
KeymasterWhat? Sorry, I guess I don’t get either response or the concept behind leaving coffee remover in the carpet.
Linda Orr
KeymasterThe more I use the micro fiber pads the less I like them. They are falling apart and I compared the actual absorbancey and it wasn’t even close to the other pads. Not cost effective in any way. Anyone else do an absorbancey test?
Linda Orr
KeymasterI am hoping our H.B. seminar will help. Actually I am banking on it. Cody and John have made it sound like it is going to make me into a lean mean carpet cleaning machine. My expectations are very very high. I hope they deliver because honestly I didn’t really want to attend. Money and time are a big issue coming out of the Jan Feb slow down.
Linda Orr
KeymasterBut is it made for cleaning or just the finishing. I haven’t tried this yet but I think if I clean the surface with regular cleaner then use the MSC to finish off then it may not streak. But then again, why do two processes when there are products that do both in one step?