Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAfter the last phone conference call we had, it looks like the new referral/rewards fee will be $1,000.00. Im fine with that amount, but like I posted before ,I don’t think state owners should be rewarding each other for helping out on a sale. We are not trying to make our living by getting $1,000.00 referral fees. If someone came to me and said: Im leaving this “Hurricane state” for either Kentucky or Georgia, what does your Heaven’s Best company have to offer? I would do everything I could to help Robert or Ammon make that sale. It is for the good of all, we do not need to be paid for helping make a sale. I spent many hours on the phone with a potential buyer a year or two ago, and he eventually bought a franchise in MI. I didn’t call Gene Dunn and say, Hey where’s my $500.00 finders fee? I was glad I could help!
I like the “sound” of national advertising, but I’m not sure we are ready for it. What is the total area we cover in USA,Canada? 10% more or less. We might get many calls for cleaning in areas where we have no operators.( That would be a waste of their advertising dollars.) I poll my people every year on this very subject, and they want to keep their advertising dollars working in their areas where it will do them the most good. I really wish I had a better, more positive answer on this subject.
ParticipantI’m in, is that E.S.T.?
Since we started Internet leads from Corporate I’ve landed two and two looking pretty good now.. I have changed my way of thinking about Internet leads 180 degrees, and find it works much better by doing follow-up first. I pretty much do the same as Laura, only I give them two chances only. I have a template blanket, for an e-mail which states, please verify your address and phone number because we have a lot of “bogus” hits. (I especialy use the one where Cody said: This girls Dad called in and said he would like to send back all brochures and apolgize for his kid hitting on our site for free information). I also Thank them for showing an interest in our business. I’ve found the ones I want to talk with will forward e-mail with information that I’ve requested the same day.
ParticipantWell Done!!!!!! Thank You Cody
ParticipantThanks Guys, Only wish more State Owners/ Corporate, would comment on this subject!!!! I researched every carpet cleaning franchise available 18 years ago, I wanted no part of those “soaker suckers” then and I will do my best to keep them out of our low moisture process. I agree with you Dennis on the cost factors of HWE, but I’m sorry, I disagree with you on the “guy” in CA. he should not even use the term HWE when he is driving around in a Heaven’s Best “Dry-In-One-Hour Van. (I had to shut an operation down years back because he was doing both processes). Also there are many many people on military bases who get moved often. What happens when one of his customers comes to Florida and calls the local Heaven’s Best operator and says: I want my place cleaned just like you did in CA.? (you know that HWE system) We need to keep building consistency with ALL of our operators on low moisture/Dry-In-One -Hour.
ParticipantGood point on credit checks Gordon!!!!! Talking with Larry the other day, he said we could use him for credit checks only, might help if some State Owners are planning on doing the financing themselves.
I just got off the phone with Larry Elton from Advantage Leasing and we agreed that the best thing for him to do, is send a letter to Corporate with all of his details, which they can either post on this board or put in the Feb. S. O. newsletter. That way everyone gets to see the same information and gets all questions answered like Bryan’s about territory.
As far as the other company is concerened, They said they would get back to me in 2-3 days.I have heard nothing and I’m not going to chase them.
ParticipantThanks Gordon But,
No need for the Thanks, We are all in this together and I am always willing to share any information that will help all of us. On the finance subject, I think I have found another company who is interested in us as a group. As soon as I learn more I will post it. I can’t see what would be wrong with sending a potential buyer to two or three finance companies, that will keep them honest and they may have different rates and terms, at different times.
ParticipantThe last time I talked with Larry it went something like this: We will do franchise fee of $29,000.00 and “equiped” van is $21,000.00 for a total $50,000.00 package. We will finance 75% of franchise fee and 100% of equiped van for 48 months with 1st and last payment due at closing plus 1 time $325.00 doc. fee. He said all this from start to finish could take less than a week. He has two of my people under review as of Monday morning. When I talk with him, I will get all information e-mailed to me again and will post on this site. I told him my contracts read: If anyone fails, which means closing the operation I get area back. He had no problem with that, so I’m assuming everything is O.K. but as we all know, that’s a big word! Before I finalized a deal with anyone in this business I would read their contract first. As I said before, my last three deals were 100% cash out so I have not had a chance to use them. It looks like I will learn more this coming week and I will keep you informed.
I just got off the phone with Corporate and was informed, they are putting all the information about Larry Elton in the Feb. newsletter. Good for all of us, Looks like the B.B. can work!!!!!
I don’t think all of my operators need an individual web site. Just my own feelings, but I have created a web site for all of my people in Florida and we keep all their names, phone numbers and e- mail addresses current. Corporate was a big help in building the site and I think each state owner should have a site that is the same and then offers it to all of his or her people in that State (or country). If you read my post a while back on the subject of, Make me your “FAVORITE” I’m going to announce that at my seminar with nicely done post cards.
ParticipantHi Ammon,
Where do I start on that question? Maybe we can chat on phone about this subject, but seeing as how you asked the question on the B.B. I feel the need to respond on the board. First of all, I think you are wrong in assuming you might get a “lower quality” person, The people I am talking with at the leasing Co. have a very strong character and credit check background, They are not in that business to loan and then lose money. The best way I know how to explain is by example, Last year I sold a county for $40,000.00 ,the person asked me if I financed, I said yes, indirectly, I will send you to a Company that has checked my operation out and they told me for the right people they will loan up to $50,000.00 for a purchase of our franchise, Van and some working capital. This person did not make the grade (credit score) so he did not qualify. He “found” the money some where else and went ahead and bought the business from me. Cody was impressed with him at training, said he is a fine young man who should do well!!!!!! Eight months later he’s filing personal bankrupcy and losing everything, including car, van and house. If I had financed him I would have another set of used equipment to put in my storage shed and I would be out $20,000.00 plus. I should have seen the “flag” when the leasing co. denied him.
I have said before I do not want to be in the mortgage/ lending business, I want to take care of my existing operators and sell more franchises. If you look at almost any company in America today, If they are selling to the general public, they have a leasing or finance co. arm. They do not require their salespeople to finance the sales they make. I think Corporate is now large enough to establish a good relationship with a good leasing or finance Co. that we all could use to help us make sales. Remember the term leasing co. means you can still buy to own, By this I mean you can have 5- years worth of payments (100% tax deductable) and pay $1.00 at end of term and own everything.
We all need a lot more thought on this subject, because it is so important in making sales in today’s market.
I have 2- in the “fire” right now and I’m waiting for the lease Co. to get back to me on both of them.
At one time I had an operator cleaning a Holiday Inn at Cocoa Beach, If it helps I will call him and see if he is still working for them!!!!!
I could not agree more with your feelings. We were all told 12/31/07 was the compliance date we had to meet. I have 1 and only 1 who will not comply. I have already sent a letter telling them they are in non-compliance. Why does Corporate now want to change the date? Also it’s not fair to all my other people who are in compliance, What if they all felt the same way and did not comply? We would have no company image change. I financed a few so they could get their van done on time.
Ron -