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ParticipantWhat company does she represent?
When I was in the business everyday, I did many a boat (Sleepers) and motor homes almost on a weekly basis. Being in Fl. you have an advantage to many of the above.
ParticipantHi Den,
Seeing how I’m a NH native and just arrived in Sunapee, I picked up on that line also!!!!!!! When do we meet up for Northern lobster?
ParticipantWelcome to the Heaven’s Best Family Frank,
Please read my article in the June newsletter on advertising, it is geared toward new owners. Two days is not near enough time for newspaper ad to work. The ad must be consistent week after week. Also most all of my people have joined C.ofC. and go to monthly meetings.
Hope this helps
I think that is a great Idea, have already started in Florida, both before training (thinking about buying) and then if they buy, after training.
ParticipantHi Gordon,
Your timing of the question, How many owner/operators can you support a month? is perfect for me. I just got off phone with Cody on this very subject. I feel everybody is charging forward, with trying to make as many sales as possible, while that may be good, I worry about us as State owners and Corporate Headquarters being able to support that growth. I had a customer 30 years ago that became a fortune 500 company in less than 10 years and then filed for the big “B” because of to fast growth they could not manage. I personally feel that the most I can handle with comfort to get them off to a good start is 1 every other month, for a total of 6 per year. I think that with Cody’s growth plan, he is expecting a lot more than that from the 4 th largest Pop. state in the country. I’m hoping people will help me with those concerns.
ParticipantThey were some of my best customers, tried to schedule before lunch, they would almost always asked you to stay for lunch!!!!!!!!!
(they are goooood cooks)chez6996
I could not agree more, I stay real close with Advertising cost on most all my people. After a few years they seam to “get it” a lot better than when they are a new franchise. (main reason for my article in June newsletter).
I had 1 operator with me over 12 years said: I don’t want to grow anymore! He canceled yellow page ad a few years back and put the cost in his pocket. (Ad cost Appx. $800.00 per month). He told me his business did not suffer at all.
PS I would like to have an Advertising cost “break down” on monthly report. Yellow page, newspaper, Radio, TV, Etc. Etc. It would help me track costs.chez6996
Congratulations on your sale, Maggie and I wish you the best of luck in your retirement. We will miss you at future state owner meetings.
(Will be in Rexburg 6/27/07, might just look you up.)chez6996
ParticipantThat’s good Dennis, you keep cleaning and I will keep selling!!!!!! (I paid my dues, I know how to clean carpets and upholstery).
I left out an answer to one of your questions, One was past franchise owner, he now reps for over 400 franchises as consultant and found us to be the BEST. Another one had what he said was dead end job,UPS and another one was a route salesmen, also said dead end job. Also my new web site for all my operators and my sales should kick in before year is over.I just got Corporate approval at my expense to have all Florida vans on back door read,
ParticipantHi Gordon,
100% internet leads, but what I do is similar to what Brian was talking about. The minute that lead comes across my computer I E-mail that lead thanking them for their interest in Heaven’s Best, A pkg. will be mailed in the morning with a follow-up call in three days. I do this because I’m sure they are requesting information from many other Franchises and I want my name on their front burner! I think we need to realize that in this business there are going to be many,many more leads than sales. I wish I knew what that number was, I’ve asked Corporate with no real answer but I think it can be between 50 and 100, just a guess, does anyone have a real number of leads before sale? As far as quality of people go they are excellent, young and old with a fare amount of capital, I did not have to Finance. I make sure they spend 1-2 days with an existing operator and then if I get good feed back, I hit them with everything I can think of! I also feel working at it full time is key and has helped me a lot, The years after the Hurricane I was full time in construction, I had NO sales, since getting back full time last summer I have made 5 sales, It takes a lot of effort and time to make a sale and that’s why I feel YOU can sell more Franchises in your State, or States, or Country than Corporate can because they do not have enough time with all of the others things they have to do. I’m in the process of starting color ads in certain newspapers, The Ads that Corporate has put on line for all of us.
ParticipantI’m just selling!!!!
3- large counties sold since S.O. Feb. meeting and looking good on 1 or 2 more. Waiting for “goods” from Corporate to do D&P Show. I hope this will be one topic (discussed at length) at S O. meeting in June. Will have to wait until Fall for me to try one, leaving for summer home in NH next week.
ParticipantGood going Bryan, I don’t think you can put into words what a difference it has made with ALL operators in my state. Their attitude and loyalty to Heaven’s Best has gone from 5, to 9 or 10 on a scale of 10. All state owners need to try it once and see for themselves! It will (for sure) pay rewards. One of the neat things was I made it a three way evaluation, I evaluated them, and then gave them the chance to evaluate State and Corporate. We altogether learned a lot.
ParticipantHi Greg,
What great effort you are taking and sharing with everbody about your lease Idea. I wanted to comment on BRE Properties, They are listed on the NYSE with the symbol of BRE. They have over 80 multi family communities with over 23,000 units. I have owned the company in my IRA for a long time. If you can work for companies like this you will be “Golden” They have been a steady grower and presently yield 3.5%. Some of my people are looking at your leasing plan and think it looks attractive, unfortunaly the BRE people have not moved into Florida yet, but there are many others we can go after.
Thanks Again
Ron -