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ParticipantI talked with Corporate a few weeks back and asked the question, I need a firm date for TV and Radio ads we were promised. My people are asking every week. The answer I got was, They have been on the web site for sometime now. Sure enough I went under advertising and there they were, Radio and TV ad. I will not make judgement on ads until some of my people try them. One question I have, Why can’t corporate send an e-mail to all State Owners when new things like this come out? Why do we have to find out ” new stuff” one at a time?
ParticipantHi Dave,
Thanks a “bunch” for that link on cleaning supplies. The best part of that link for me is relating to the mildew and mold section. I went on a job years ago where the women had Stanley Steamer clean her carpets. She was not happy and called Heaven’s Best 3 months later, we went in and as we started vacuuming, the beater bar was pulling the fibers right out of the berber backing, We lifted carpet with owners permission and found black mold and rotten jute on the soaken wet padding!!!!!! We need to have all of our people educated on this subject and maybe use it in some form of advertising.
Thanks Again,
ParticipantAfter 2-3 months of using this program, I must agree with you Gordon, Thanks Corporate for your work on this program. I have become more aware of my franchisees buying habits with this program. It goes with out saying though, backup after every entry!!!!! I fried my mother board a week ago and had not backed up my HB Finance since I left my summer home!!!!!(Sept.1) WOW I did not realize how much work to do a month and 1/2 over again. Will not happen again, went and bought external hard drive and set computer up to backup on every shut down.
Thanks Again Corporate,
ParticipantThank You for that response Ron!!! That was what I was trying to get across in my article in the newsletter a couple of months ago. We found (in Florida) you can control your advertising dollars much better without yellow pages. More advertising dollars when in the busy season and lighten up in the slow season. I really like the looks of franchise express, could you inform us what your success is with them?
ParticipantAt least once a year, probably twice a year. No. Maybe.
ParticipantI agree with newspaper ads, We ran ad on Sunday in lifestyle section and it made phone ring on Monday Tuesday, Started running same ad on Wed. and it made phone ring on Thursday, Friday. Also there was discount for running ad twice a week. Most of my people have tried coupon mailers with little success. Chamber, newspaper, yellow page and networking are the best advertising for their dollars.
ParticipantHi Grant,
I’m having a hard time getting some of my operators on this board, so I will answer for a few of them. I know some are doing Hampton Inns. The pay issue is nothing more than big companies using YOUR money, They think 60-90-days is the “norm” Years back I had a manufacturing business and they beat me up on late payments, I finally went to 10%/10 Net/30 on all invoices and it made a considerable difference in my collections. It might be worth a try on your invoices next time.
That’s what I meant by saying: 101 is the cleaner, I was not just worried about profits. Thanks Brian, I did not know that Gordon owned all of the North and Southwest!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantHi Ammon,
Years back I had a formula, They used 1-gallon of concentrate for every $100.00 retail job. There were, or is 20-gallons from 1-gallon of CLF101 so that worked out to Appx. $2,000.00 of sales. Of course it is less than that because they all carry a spray bottle of 1/1 so that drops the amount left for mixing. Now my real problem is: They have been reading on B.B. and talking with other operators who use F.A.E. on every job, so now the F.A.E. orders are going up and CLF 101 going down!!! How do we equate the two together?
ParticipantHi Greg,
I’m probably on board to much, but to answer your question here I am. It’s funny you should post about packing suit cases at this time, I just finished a long discussion with Corporate on that very issue. I have asked for them to take in consideration after next years two meetings that we go to one meeting a year and video conferencing every other month, or some schedule that we do not have to “cram” everything in two days.It cost me over $1,000. for 3-day trip so I offered to double that for a start on purchasing the proper equipment.Also another reason for this proposal is that I heard a rumor that more eastern states are going to be sold. This might make it a little eaiser on new owners plus myself.
ParticipantI’m sorry Dennis, That’s why I posted the article. I think it is great idea but I’m not sure Corporate is ready for an advisory board. I spoke to Cody about this very same topic 4 or 5 years ago but they were not ready at that time. I need to send article by “snail mail” because I do not have scanner at lake home. Will try to copy and get in mail on Friday.
ParticipantWithout boring everyone, I would like to share a couple of comments from a newspaper article I read (and cut out) several years ago. The tittle of article: “Getting Franchisees Involved Is Guiding Principle, Says Restaurant Entrepreneur”.I will give a few lines from rather long story. The president of Yorkshire Gobal Restaurants said “I began my career in franchising at Dunkin Dounts and at the time I did not fully understand the franchise model, So I fell into franchising and than realized it was a big added plus! He goes on to say: I have learned over the years that great ideas not supported by franchisees will not work, while an average idea brilliantly executed by franchisees will be very successful!!! Under his leadership they have revised all of it’s franchise agreements so that the company cannot implement an advertising or promotion activity without complete agreement by it’s franchise advisory board. Also the company cannot change any operating standard or introduce any new product without the agreement of the board. The bottom line is his belief, that franchise inclusion is highly necessary for a company to enjoy long term success. Anyone interested in the full article, call or e-mail and I will be glad to send it.
ParticipantHey Ammon,Why should you get any “guff” you are speaking your mind and how you really feel,I think that’s good. I must say I have some of those same feelings,not sure why at this point, maybe different state owners are at different speeds. At this point instead of airing a lot about the meeting, I’m going to work with Corporate and see if we can get it resolved. I agree, we are part of a great company with a good team. Even great companies have internal problems from time to time.
You might want to talk with Corporate on your site, I know they helped me (justin). Barry and Jim in DC have a good one but I can not remember the site address. I enjoyed talking with you at SO meeting and sharing ideas, getting ready to put 4-6 free items on our web site, need to talk to all my operators first. Thanks again and good luck!
ParticipantI agree Dave,
My partner and myself have had many a tile person leave grout all over the new tiles to dry!!!!! Floor or walls, if it’s new, you better be prepared with good quality mask, safety glasses, gloves and muritaic acid to remove dryed grout. Cleaning dirt from grout and cleaning grout off tiles is two very different jobs!
Ron -