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    like it or not email is a valuable business resource. I remember the first email address that my wife set up for the business. It was gandkheavensbest@sbcglobal.net. She thought that it was great because it was our business and we are Greg and Kim of heavens best of course. The problem was it is a mouthful and when someone would ask me for my email I would dread having to spell it all out. The good news is we don’t have to use it anymore. I have a million Email address now. The easiest is greg@heavensbestclean.com I use this for most company business. Now I have seen many small business fall behind in the times. 49erlover4life@hotmail.com is not very professional and when I see an email like this it turns me off from wanting to email them. I think we can get an email from corporate if you need one that is more appropriate for you. Now for my next pet peeve with emails is when I have someone tell me they never received an email from me. Then to find out that it was an email account that they never check and if I could resend it to a new one that they do check. Emails can be forwarded over to other address. This way you never miss an email sent to an old address.


    Yes you can get an email account from the corporate office. The format is first initial and then your last name. So if I were an operator, then my email would be: [email=webmaster@heavensbest.com:1ear3s24]m.fokken@heavensbest.com[/email:1ear3s24].

    Side note: This is not my email, however, it’s webmaster@heavensbest.com.

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