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  • #144173

    Several of you have approached the corporate office about having a website. I’ve been working for the past several months on getting something together. I just wanted some operator input on what features would be useful to you.

    One feature that the Steve Wilson suggested was live chat. Do enough of you have someone at the computer for your webiste to have live chat? This feature lets you send a chat invitation to a visitor or you can post a link so the vistor can request to chat. Ideally this would help those of you with high traffic to close more sales.

    Your input is appreciated!

    Loren Turner

    The idea behind this suggestion was to have a vidoe of my wife Lori who would introduce us and our websight and explain what is on the different pages, for instance discounts, specials, ect. in brief. The video would direct them to click the live chat button and let them know that it is Lori they would be chatting with personally. With this live chat option you are literally able to follow the customer from page to page while having the opportunity to engage them before they leave the sight. I think this would be a beneficial option for us all. As they say “you never know, until you try”. Our live chat is in the works as we speak. Thanks

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