Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Pads & Buffers Time to buy more pads?

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    In the past month or so, I have purchased about 6 new cases of wooven turf pads. This is a great time of year to spend some surplus moldy money on new pads. What I have noticed with the new pads is faster and better results. I am using less pads and seeing a lesser need for a finishing towel. It’s hard to notice the gradual wear your pads get until you put an old one next to a new one!

    Quality pads deliver quality work.

    Quality pads deliver more profits.

    Quality pads look great.


    I’m the new guy who has only about 25 jobs under my belt.
    I noticed that some pads get the fuzzies much earlier than I thought they would or should.
    I do reuse these and in some cases they do not leave any fuzzies on the carpet being done but sometimes they do leave a little.
    Is this do to normal wear, abuse by a washer, an uneducated carpet cleaner (me) or what.
    I surely do not want to have to do a revac after cleaing or bending done to pick up fuzzies.
    Kurt – NJ



    Are these the fuzzies that appear after washing the pads? If so, get used to it. I spend about 15 min/day picking the fuzzies off pads after I wash them (some days more). If you are talking about the fuzzies that appear on new pads and sometimes on the carpet, they go away…..and turn into fuzzies that appear after washing. Not much you can do about these that I know of. As the pads age, this does decrease a little. I do find that front load washers decrease the number of fuzzies over top loaders. Also, washing pads with towels increases the fuzzy count as well so I try to just wash towels by themselves.

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