Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tip Of The Day Small Spill Clean-Up

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  • #144489

    Having recently added a new member to our family (of the four-legged variety), we have “pee-pee pads” scattered throughout the house. Inevitably, our little rascal usually misses the pad by about 2 inches or so. Instead of grabbing a paper towel or toilet paper to clean it up, I found that simply flipping the pad over (the pads have absorbent material on one side and plastic backing on the other) and applying pressure soaks the mess up quite nicely.

    A few additional benefits: 1) I can press with my hands or even step on the pad without getting pee on my hands or feet since the plastic backing prevents this, 2) The traslucent nature of the plastic backing allows you to see exactly how much liquid is being “extracted”, 3) simply repositioning the pad allows you to continue using the same pad until the mess is gone, 4) used pads go right in the trash.

    I am going to start recommending this method to all my clients with small or adult pets. I am also considering applying this technique to other types of spills since the benefits seem to help justify the added cost.

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