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  • #143075

    i went to a web site the other day and it was for a carpet cleaner in columbus,oh and i found the site by using

    a family friend told me she use this site to find good business’s
    has anyone ever used this service what where the results

    now for tyler i really like the fact that this guy his reviews right on his website

    is there a way that we could get a review/eval card section by state in the locate a operator section so are customers may see what a great job where doing or in fact they may see someone they know has used us securing us another job

    what do you others guys think

    people do use the internet to research a company they may use

    Dan Child

    I’m sure we can arrange something to that effect.

    I’m thinking it would go under the map, we could put a bunch there so when the customers go to find an operator they can see some of the great things that the company does.

    Thanks for the idea Rick.

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