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  • #155484

    Just ordered the pile brush and have a few questions. I know this works well on commercial carpets, can you use on any type? There are 2 different brushes, what do you use each brush for? Can you use on area/oriental rugs? I see there is talk about bags? Do I need them ASAP or does it come with a supply? Doing a church next Friday, thanks for any input!!


    I don’t have one (…yet), so I can only comment on area rugs. Yes, you can use them on area rugs. I say this because the local company we have partnered with that only does area rugs and is held in high regards by some of the “industry experts” uses them on area rugs they clean before they clean them and often after. I think they told us they have 3+ pile lifters. I would only use them on well constructed rugs though IMO, and if the rug is showing any wear/damage, I would obviously refrain from using such an aggressive high powered vacuum. I am assuming they use the softer less aggressive brush. Just my 2 cents.


    I’ve used the Pile Brush for several months. The 1 1/2″ to 2+” shag carpet, you can’t really tell. If they are industrial runners that’s fine. Some times if you can’t secure them they move. Frayed fibers, wool and polyester fibers, I’d stay away from. It’s called “a vacuum cleaner on steroids” for a reason. What ever a vacuum would do, this is about 5 times the strength (against the nap). In Orlando, it was mentioned about brushes, that the main one is what is to be used unless you do a lot of wool rugs. Then you would use the “vegetable brush.” Also it is a real pain to switch over brushes. So I’ve heard.
    Hope this helps.


    If anyone is considering purchasing the pile brush, take a look at this video

    Looks like it could really benefit our way of cleaning.

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