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  • #144899
    Loren Turner

    Can the pile brush be used on oriental/wool rugs in a customers home? If so, any tips? If not, why?


    We don’t own a Pile Lifter, but most of the rugs we take out of a customer’s home to clean we drop off at a local company here in town that is VERY good at cleaning rugs. They use pile lifters to vacuum the rugs before they clean them. Based on that, I can’t give do’s and don’ts outside of the obvious. I think it would be a pain to use a pile lifter in a home unless you had a lot of room to work (which often isn’t the case). Just my 2 cents.


    I understand there are two separate brushes used with the pile brush (or pile lifter). One is nylon and the other is a “vegetable” brush used for delicate fibers. I understand they are not easily changeable and that the nylon brush is more durable. I don’t know any Heaven’s Best operators who have the vegetable brush.
    I have made the purchase of a pile brush for each of my areas. They work great!
    If the fibers are delegate, I would say no. If not delegate, I would use caution.

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