Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tip Of The Day Pet odor revisit week?

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    Just something we’ve been toying around with. With the heat of summer starting up for most, this is the time of year that any pet spots may “reappear” in odor form due to the heat. If you are slow, how about calling any customers you’ve cleaned for in the past 6-9 months where you addressed pet spots, and offering them a deeply discounted “pet only” spot cleaning if they are experiencing any odor issues. Could readdress any old spots that may still have a little odor. Could be a “1 week special” where that is all you do (we are also in sales, so give it a fun/rewarding name and make the customer feel special). This special would be for revisits to old spots (and maybe a couple new small spots as you see fit) only though, not a reclean of the house so to speak. This is a deeply discounted reward to your customer, not an admission of guilt that I/we didn’t clean your pet spots right the first time. Tell them you’re throwing your minimum charge out the window for this special, and just charge $20-$50+ to retreat up to X number of spots for this week/days only. Obviously you could alter this as you see fit once you walk in the house, but may be a way to drum up business if you are slow right now and customer may view it as a nice customer service offer that could win you a customer for life. If they say they were meaning to call you to clean another 2 rooms anyway, just an added bonus (although I would push them to a different week if possible and just focus 1 week or certain days on pet issues that are just a quick zip in/zip out knock out 5-15 customers in a day as needed). Just throwing it out there. If I wasn’t short staffed right now and needed to keep myself/employees busy, I would be considering this and may revisit it in the winter when we slow down even though odor won’t be issue like it can be now.

    Hopefully everyone is too busy to have time to offer something like this, but if you aren’t, may be worth considering in some form.


    Thanks Dave!
    That’s what I call “Sniffing out side the box”!
    “so give it a fun/rewarding name”, sorry, that’s all could come up with.

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