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    I have a customer that is calling to have her carpets and upholstery done because her cat has flea’s. Do I need to use any special solutions or technique to clean her home?


    I would not take my equipment to that residence while known flees are there. Encourage the customer to contact an exterminator. Then when you have evidence that this has been done and the problem is gone, you can give her the best cleaning she’s ever had! Good luck!



    Thanks again for the advice (seems like I heard these words of wisdom some place). I really didn’t want to clean a flea infested house! We cleaned a house that had skunk smell from a dog that had been sprayed last week and I think I spent more time trying to get the smell off of my equipment than cleaning the house. Didn’t charge nearly enough on that job. But, it still beats a day chained to a desk at my old job!


    When fleas reproduce they lay eggs that can remain dormant until the conditions are right for them to hatch. It usually takes 2 or 3 treatments since the chemicals that are used to erradicate the little buggers do not affect the eggs. I would recommend having a container of pet flea spray in the van for those just in case situations where you find out afterward you have been in a flea infested location. Happened to me twice. They are not deadly, just a nuisance. They are very controlable if you zap them right away.

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