Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Cleaning Products Pet Enzyme setting in spots

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Anyone ever had pet enzyme set in animal spots? On a couple random occasions, I’ve tested pet spots (usually dog pee) and have been able to get color to come out on the towel just using my pro spotter. Could see a difference between the main spot and the part I tested (although all of tested spot may not have come out in every instance). I’ve then treated pet spots with pet enzyme and after appropriate dwell time I extracted, yet no color came out like it did with the pro spotter and I think I can still see the lighter spot I tested initially compared to rest of spot. In reattempting to use pro spotter and extract, I get nothing out now. Anyone had this happen? Like I said, it’s been few and far between, but it has happened to me. I also know that every pet spot is different, and when you add in all the outside variables like the “pet stain remover” products that the customer may have bought from store and tried or wicking issues or whatever, it creates an uneven playing field. Just curious if anyone else has ever had it appear to set a spot in? If you did, did you figure out why?


    yes. there are so many tangibles.i look at like if we are not able to remove it,it was set in prior.from just sitting there working into the carpet yarn by itself. again like you so said many ,many tangibles

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