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    Hello All,

    I’ve just hired a new employee. I can’t afford a new employee at this time but this employee will cost me almost nothing, except training. This is thru the County of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, Department of Workforce Development. Long name but still at no cost.

    I met a person with my County at a Chamber mixer who helps people who are on assistance get jobs. I signed up. They put an ad on the County website. In part my ad said “must be clean cut“ etc. I was offering $11.00 an hour. This would be reimbursed thru the County at 130% of whatever I pay the new employee as it will pay for the payroll taxes as well. I could pay this person $20 an hour and still be reimbursed at 130%. It took over two months for even ONE person to apply. (must be clean cut???) When someone finally did, we met, he met the criteria and he starts Monday.

    He will be working with my son who has been working with me since day one.

    I on the other hand plan on spending my extra time marketing, marketing & marketing. I don’t have a lot of commercial accounts so this will be my main target.

    A few caveats: I have to pay my new employee a minimum of 32 hours per week. When we have a slow day, he will be washing vans, cleaning equipment, cleaning my yard etc. This program with the County will only pay for the first six months and then no more reimbursement. This program will also end at the end of September regardless. I made sure my new employee understood that if we can’t build up enough business by the end of September that I may not be able to keep him. I also told him that if another opportunity came along that would better serve him in the long run (he has a wife who works and two kids) whether it be in two weeks or two months to take it. No hard feelings on my part.

    There is a little paper work involved. (bureaucracy)

    Check with your County to see if they have a similar program if you need no cost employee.

    Any questions, just post.


    Can you give us an update as to whether or not this employee worked out for you?


    Hi Cody,

    The employee worked out well, but the County dis-continued the program with all the budget cuts etc. after about 4 months. Since my son Sean was working for me I could not afford to keep him as well. It was a great program while it lasted. I would do it again but as always I have to keep an eye on my own budget.



    Great idea but I think with the budget cuts taking place most of the programs will or have already but cut, I made a few phone calls and could find nothing like it in my area.


    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but if an employee is needed would there not be enough to pay that employee out of the charges to the customer? I understand the growing pains believe me 🙁 I had to hire an employee January 1, here it is the fourth of Feb, I have had two payrolls come and go and still waiting to get paid from the job that i originally needed him for. Yea my pocket book sucks right now but i have the money in accounts receivable that will show up soon 🙂 but back to my original point how is this a fair use of taxpayers funds? Again i mean no disrespect just asking questions.


    One of my goals this year is to hire an employee so I can wean myself off the van. I enjoy working with the customer but my body can’t take it like I used to. Plus hopefully I would have a potential successor when I decide to hang up the buffer. My rough estimates is that it would take about $35,000 in additional sales to pay for the employee and I would not have to reduce my standard of living. This seems very doable to me


    Hi Patrick,

    Regarding your comment:

    “but back to my original point how is this a fair use of taxpayers funds? Again i mean no disrespect just asking questions.”

    If the City, County or State or Country is offering something for free or at low cost and it’s something that would help you, why wouldn’t you take advantage of it??? If I didn’t make use of the program, someone else would. The program was meant to give unemployed people working skills and a paycheck. Hope this clarifies a bit.


    My problem with tax based programs such as this is the funds were stolen from the individual tax payers. I personaly wouldnt take advantage of those resources because they were ill gotten resources. Let me ask this question If I personaly Said I will give you the money to hire an employee for a period of four months would you take the money? what if you knew I Stole that money from yopur next door neihbor? of course you wouldn’t you would report me to the local law enforcment and rightly so!

    All human rights come from the creator, we are all created with unalienable rights. Our founding fathers Created our state goverments, and our state goverments created the federal goverment, all with the notion of protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

    Our goverment(s) can not lawfully do anything without our consent, nor can we give authority to said goverment(s) to do something that we can not do as individuals.

    I do NOT have the right to take from you to give to another, so there for we can not do it as a goverment niether.

    Again I mean No disrespect, and welcome diolouge for that is how we all can learn from eachother.


    Well as far as I know, the money wasn’t “stolen”. If you choose to believe the money was “stolen” there is nothing I can do to change your mind, nor do I wish to. The County rep approached me to take part in the County program and I did. If the program hadn’t ended after four months I would have kept the employee longer. If you choose not to partake in the Government programs available to you or your business that’s up to you.

    One thing I personally wish not to discuss or get in a debate on this message board is politics. Apparently our opinions are on opposite sides of the spectrum and that’s ok.

    No disrespect.

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