Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Advertising Ideas Need Help from Ads Website

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    Hi, Joni and Claude Elmore here. We are new owners in Maryland. I am having some difficulty with the Heaven’s Best ads website. I would like to have some things printed but most of it is in Adobe Illustrator, which I do not have. I would like to download them and them upload it to an online printer. Can anyone recommend what to do or of a good online printer to use that I can have them download it and print it with the advertiser login?

    Also, if anyone can give us some other postcard or flyers that you have had made up on your own, we would appreciate it. Thanks for all your help.


    Hi Joni & Claude

    Glad to see you made it home alright. I have been calling around checking prices on printing costs and it seems most printers are able to make the changes you need so I suggest you just make a few phone calls around town and see who will give you the best price.


    Also, remember that we can get the ads camera ready for you here at the corporate office. Send an e-mail to holly@heavensbest.com

    Let her know the ad # you are interested in and any special instructions, names of locations you want listed, etc. She’ll send you a proof a proof in a format like PDF, then when its ready just upload it. If you still have questions give me a call!

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