Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Advertising Ideas Exploiting the "We Are Greener" angle

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    I was thinking about the whole “going green” thing. I’d like to leverage the good we are doing and update my website with a few of the ways my clients are helping the environment by using Heaven’s Best. I wasn’t originally intending on pitting our system against the HWE guys but as I thought it through from a marketing perspective, it would probably have much more impact as an “us versus them” type piece.

    Considering all the obvious positives with our system (envioronmentally friendly cleaning solutions, low-moisture, etc.), I was looking at some of the not-so-good things that come with HWE. For example, HWE guys – at least the one with truck mounted equipment – are usually required to let their trucks run at IDLE while cleaning (waste of fuel plus BAD for air quality!). And how about all that waste water that’s generated?? Where do you think most of that ends up? I do not know the specific regulations surrounding proper disposal of waste water (maybe someone here does??) but I’d be willing to bet that, more often than not, that water ends up on the ground, or in the nearest storm drain (BAD for the ecosystem!).

    I’d love to hear any other points/ideas/thoughts on this.




    I hope your kickin a$$ after the conference. We have just added a Green Initiative page into our commercial packets. Here is what it says:

    Heaven’s Best GREEN Initiative

    Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning is committed to environmentally friendly practices. Many companies say they are GREEN, but can they back it up? At Heaven’s Best, we employ many practices, both in our cleaning process and our business in general, that help out our environment. Here are some of the ways that we are helping out our environment:

    1. Low Moisture Cleaning means less water used
    a. Low moisture cleaning uses approximately 1/10 of the water that traditional steam cleaning uses. Although we do offer traditional steam cleaning as an option for your carpet cleaning needs, over 95% of the time we are using just a low moisture process during our cleaning.
    2. Environmentally Friendly Products
    a. Heaven’s Best carpet cleaning solution is environmentally friendly. Our cleaning solution can also be called organic if you prefer this word, but seeing as how oil is organic, we prefer to say environmentally friendly. By using an environmentally friendly cleaning solution, Heaven’s Best can many times safely clean with employees around during your normal business hours. This saves companies money by not requiring after hours employees during cleanings.
    3. No Internal Combustion Engines
    a. All of Heaven’s Best equipment runs off electricity. No matter what method of cleaning you request, Heaven’s Best will only be using equipment that is plugged into the wall and using the electrical grid, which is the most efficient method of power production currently available. This means you won’t have any vehicles outside of your business with their engine(s) running while they clean, which burns gas and emits dangerous exhaust fumes that can make their way into buildings potentially compromising the health of employees. Besides air pollution, these engines also create a lot of noise pollution (i.e. they are VERY LOUD), which can be disruptive if cleaning occurs during business hours.
    4. Lighter Shipping of Products
    a. Many of Heaven’s Best’s cleaning products come in a concentrate form, which lowers the weight of the shipping for the shipping company, and thus decreases their overall fuel consumption.
    5. Paperless practices
    a. Heaven’s Best is working on creating a paperless environment. Although we still have paper invoices, we are currently working on going to a strictly digital format in the near future.

    Also, in regards to your dumping of dirty water comment. It is against the law to dump waste water anywhere where it can makes it’s way to storm drains or into water ways in general without treatment. Technically, I believe a HWE guy can dump the water on a customer’s property with their permission (Um ma’am, I’m going to dump my dirty water and cleaning stuff in your yard when I’m done. That ok?), but I bet none of them that do ask first. It is also illegal for them to dump at a car wash without written approval from the owner. Waste water dumping fines can be up to $15,000 I believe.


    Wow Dave – this is exactly the stuff I was looking for. As usual, you are ahead of the curve. What other little marketing gems do you have in your back pocket? I need to update my website…

    And by the way, when are you Colorado guys coming out to visit the Jersey Shore? We can take in a Jets game so you can say hello to your old friend Tebow!

    Thanks again!


    Thanks so much for this info I will use this. Thanks Again

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