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    I know in the past, it was mentioned that getting a product certified as “GREEN” was an expensive endeavor. Is consideration being made for possibly getting only our 101 certified as Green, or is the cost still to much to consider this? We are bidding on a new Infinity dealership that is touting itself as a green dealership, and although we are a green company, I’m not sure if using a cleaner that has “Green” certified products will be a deal breaker.


    Hey Dave. I’ll “Certify” you as green, no problem. Has about as much merit as most of the claims out there.
    How green would you like it? Our vans don’t emit green house gases for hours like the “green” exrtraction guys do.
    We don’t dump 100’s of gallons of waste water into our sewer sytems year month.
    Balanced pH, 90% less water. 12ounces of cleaning solution used VS gallons with the other guys

    Seems pretty green to meAs always, YMMV


    I totally agree with everything you said. Sometimes though, that stupid little seal may be what seals the deal on a job. Remember, consumers are dumb, hence why so many warning labels exist that are pretty obvious. It’s like the store owner on the movie Tommy Boy, it has to say it on the box, even if the “guarantee fairy” is a crazy glue sniffer. I don’t need the “seal on the box” to make the sale, but was just curious if it would ever make an appearance on the 101 jug.

    On separate note, the one type of pollution we definitely don’t have that HWE does is noise pollution! You can hear a truckmount all the way down a street. No one can hear me vacuuming (which is as loud as we get outside of cleaning upholstery). And don’t get me started on the pollution from them illegally dumping their waste water.


    Very true guys, the customer wants to see some label, sticker, seal whatever you call it, that we are GREEN company. If you will tell customer it’s still not as good as you show it to them and maybe to have some sticker on the van would be great too (here is some carpet cleaner around with a big sticker on his back window where it says: Certified Green Environmentally friendly) actually I like that idea a lot, it could gives us even more jobs while we drive.


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