Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tip Of The Day Buffer Cord Quick Disconnect

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    Credit to Kurt Hartman (who I believe got it from another operator) for this tip. Go to Home Depot and buy a 15 or 20 amp “twist lock” quick-disconnect and intall it in the buffer cord about 12 inches from where the cord exits the buffer handle. Installation is very simple with a pair of wire cutters and a screw driver. I installed one last weekend and it is VERY convienient when moving the buffer from room to room or up and down stairs since buffer and cord can be moved independently. Saves some weight and makes moving the buffer less cumbersome.

    I also found another benefit, I accidentally ran the cord over the other day and it got caught between the plate and the buffer and began to wrap around the buffer. Fortunately the cord seperated at the quick connect (causing the buffer to stop running) versus wrapping around the plate and causing more extensive damage to the cord.

    One thing to make note of when purchasing the quick connect, make sure the two fittings (male and female) fit snuggly together at the connection. The one I bought hand some play in it when connected. I was concerned that it would continually come apart as I was buffing so I fabricated a large rubber washer and inserted it between the two ends to form a more positive connection. Worked out well.

    Thanks Kurt!


    Looks like it was Steve’s idea…



    Don’t Stop there Put the plugs on your vaccume and edger and when working alone just us the buffer “extension cord” for the vacuming and edging only one cord to wind instead of 3. it also has quite a few other side bennits you’ll enjoy. 😀


    Wow! I never even considered that! Great idea!

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