City Owner Newsletter October 2019

Happy October!

Hello Everyone,
In case you might have missed it, there was an email that was sent out to everyone regarding the unexpected passing away of Linda‘s brother at the start of the weekend. Please note that on Thursday we will have limited operating hours because of the funeral that will be taking place. Linda’s availability this week will be limited as she will be in and out helping her family with the funeral.

We appreciate all those that could attend the national call, and will be sending out the link in this email to everyone if you want to watch. I did ask about healthcare insurance, and I am waiting on a response back from a national licensed agent to see if they have a plan that will fit our needs. Please reach out to me if there are any other thoughts or questions that you have that would benefit all of you nationally.

There was some very useful information in regards to your website and things that have been transpiring that may not have helped your website over the past seven months or so. We have put in the past several months of newsletters that we would highly encourage you to explore the Google Local Service Ads opportunity. Everyone Dan Child and I have talked to is having great success

  • “Dear California Franchise Owners,
    I hope everyone is doing well and getting busier with the change of weather. Google has a new advertising campaign that is called Google Local Service Ads, which is pay per call instead of pay per click. Google does a free background check and verifies each business’s insurance and license. This new service is getting greater exposure and pops up on the side advertising the business that is Google Certified. Their contact number is 1-833-272-1444. You can also access it online, but it is easier to let a representative walk you through it. An advantage of this service is you can narrow the exposure to a specific area, so that you are not paying for leads outside your area. Plan on setting your budget high, for example, mine is set at $400 per week. I only paid $66.00 my first week and was able to book 6 jobs. You will have an app on your phone that you will be able to monitor it daily. My son in Long Beach had his budget set at $700 per week, but only used 25% of his budget and was able to book the majority of the leads. There is an advantage to setting the budget high to get the most exposure, but you can decrease the budget at any time with this program. There are franchisees out there that are actually switching over to this program, versus the Google Ad Words campaigns that they have had.

As you might see when you log on to the corporate website, we have now put the bulletin board, the monthly report, and newsletters all under one login. The only remaining thing left, unless you all have some ideas. is the advertising website and that will be moved over very soon as well. That should complete everything, so you’ll only need one login to access all you need. I have heard from a couple of you asking for some changes to be made on the corporate website and the store, and those changes will make it more efficient for you to place orders and for potential customers to find you. I have heard from a couple of you asking for some changes to be made on the corporate website and from the store, and those changes will make it more efficient for you to place orders, and for potential customers to find you. If you have ideas for the store or the corporate website, I would encourage you to please reach out to me, and let me know your ideas that might make things better as a whole for everyone.

As fall approaches, I hope everyone has a good handle on their advertising and strategy to reach out to your customers and/or potential customers as the weather is changing. The holidays are approaching quickly, and we want to send a friendly reminder about getting those cards out and making sure your advertising is working effectively. We appreciate you all very much and appreciate all you do out there !!!!

-Robert Ashcraft

Shipping Update

This month, our Fresh Scent is on sale! Buy 5, get 1 free!

John’s Fix-it Corner

Hello everyone. I hope you have had a good month. As I have been talking to a few of you it sounds like it has been
another great year.

A few years ago, I went to a convention in Las Vegas, and the keynote speaker was Michael E. Gerber, who is the bestselling author of E-Myth Mastery. There are three points that he brought up that I would like to share with you. The first thing he said is to look at the price you’re charging. Most likely, you’re not charging enough for what you do. Raise your price by 15%. Don’t try to compete with the low-end operator, it’s crowded down there. Be up with the top operators.

The second thing is that life is too short, so do one thing and do it well. Be the best carpet cleaner in your town. I was talking to Rodney Trent, an operator in Indiana, and he told me that when he first started, his large competitor would wave at him in passing. Now he said his competitor won’t wave or look at him. Rodney said now his competitor always holds up one finger to say hi. Why? Rodney has become the best in his town.

The third thing is how you dress. It is one of the most important things you can do. He said to look like a marine in dress blues. Sometimes looking good outweighs how comfortable we are.
Being the best in the industry takes a lot of effort and dedication. If we work at it a little at a time we can achieve greatness. Let’s team up together to be the best we can be.


We are wanting to get our yearly seminars back to a normal course of business. With that in mind, we are needing to know what training would you like at these seminars. We don’t have exact dates for the seminars yet, but we are planning these to be somewhere in the spring of 2020. Please let us know what you would like the training to be on, and any other questions that you may have about this. Send your suggestions and ideas to Note: How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

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