City Owner Newsletter May 2020

Hello, Heaven’s Best Team,

Welcome to May, with the hope that we are turning the curve on the weather and the situation that we’ve had to endure for the past 60 days roughly. I think right now would be the time, if at all possible, to gear up for a busy season. I’ve seen across the US a lot of states and counties opening back up, and I know there’s a few of you that are still in a tough situation. I hope that for all of us, the light will start to get brighter and brighter as the days and weeks go on. My hope and prayer for each and every one of you, is that you will get busier than you have ever been before. Now would be a great time to make sure that you’re sending out the mass emails, touching base with your customers, and talking to commercial clients on a daily basis. In talking to you, and seeing competitors advertisements, if you’re not trying to capture that disinfectant and cleaning work, I guarantee you that your competitors are. A phone call or social distancing conversation doesn’t take a whole lot of effort, nor does it cost anything in advertising dollars.

I would please encourage you, if you still need assistance, to be applying for the PPP program, and the EIDL. With the PPP program, there is a tax credit that was talked about in previous communication to everyone.

The bulletin board will start getting used more frequently in mass communication to all of you, as we only have a little over half on the Facebook Group and everyone has access to the bulletin board. I am working with the IT company to fine-tune it more to make it user friendly.

I would like to remind everybody to take a look at the store as we have received our mass shipment of hand sanitizer, there will be no limits on quantity for purchase, so purchase all that you want. These will be nice to use on a personal basis, and also a great giveaway to your customers.

We have other new giveaways and promotional items for yourself, families, and customers such as a very nice travel mug, a day cooler, Koozie’s for your drinks, nylon backpack bags, regular bags, and new attire.


We are stocked pretty well now, with two types of masks. The more economical, third type of mask, will be in the store next week. As I said above, we have a mass supply of hand sanitizer, gloves, safety glasses, and shoe covers.

We encourage you to still follow your local guidelines and requests when you are out there in the public and private sectors.

As a reminder, anyone with EZ Local or looking to switch this month, it is still 50% off on all of the services they offer to you all. They have been great in putting Covid-19 banners on the websites, if you so choose. We just had another 4 franchises make the move this past week. We are still paying for the start-up costs at corporate when the switch is made.

Please help us out by letting us know if there are any promo items, equipment, or anything needed to do your job better. Reach out to John ( for these requests.

I wanted to share with you all that we have been having monthly Franchise Advisory Board meetings with 6 of your peers. The meetings have been very productive and we have had great suggestions for moving forward.

I can’t stress enough how much we all think about you and your families, and I do believe together we can come out of this even stronger.

Thank you,

Robert Ashcraft


Any operators that are interested in adding anything COVID-19 related to their websites, Google listing, or social profiles, reach out to EZLocal! We have several options, and we can quickly make those updates or announcements!

Check out these links: 


Crisis Communication: Practical Tips to Pivot Your Messaging

When you pivot your messaging, you’re setting yourself up for future success. Once a crisis is over and the economy starts to recover, there will be a resurgence of jobs that need to be done. So when you use this opportunity to serve your community and your customers by being a voice of reason and stability among the chaos, you’re establishing yourself in their minds as the best option to go to. And remember, when it comes to your crisis messaging, acknowledge what’s going on, empathize with others, and offer value.

Read more here:


Shipping Update

This month, our Hard Surface Cleaner is on sale! Buy 5, get 1 free

John’s Fix-it Corner

Hi everyone!

It has been great to talk to everyone on our phone calls.  I am always thankful that I get to work with such wonderful people.  I hope that Spring and Spring Cleaning will hit your area soon.

As I have talked to you, I have had people ask me about the repair and upkeep of their equipment. They have also had concerns about cleaning methods and general operating practices. I have found that some of you are not really following the correct maintenance on your vans, your equipment, or even in your cleaning procedures. There have been numerous ways of things being jury-rigged together. This rigging might work, but is it really the best solution? Just because something works, doesn’t mean it is the most efficient, cost-effective, or aesthetically pleasing way of doing it. It may be the fastest way, but is it the correct way?

I know it is the busy season, but be sure to take the time to do things the correct way, not just the fast and easy way.  Let’s be consistent in our quality and appearance. Quoting Cody Howard, “We are taking this company to the next level. In order to do that we have to be consistent in our cleaning, in our maintenance, and in our appearance.” Over the years the corporate office has received input from franchisees, and has researched to find the best way to keep this consistency in quality and appearance. If you would consult your operations manual or contact the home office, you will find the help you need to keep your quality levels high.

I would like to leave you with a question:  “If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest of them drown, too?”

Have a great month!!

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