Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI have a regular cell phone and I also use a HP Ipaq (rx3715) I like having them separate so that i can write everything down on it whie I’m on the phone with the customer without using speakerphone or bluetooth.
I had a MDA phone, but I didn’t like having the phone and pda together. I guess I’m technologically old fashioned.
ParticipantI cleaned 64 pews (25 ft long) and all of the chairs for the choir for a church here in Plano, TX. I charged them $1 per linear foot.
They were happy with the results so I told them that I was going to estimate their carpet as well so that they could call me when they were ready to have it cleaned. While I was measuring, the pastor told me he wanted an estimate on another 130+ chairs. When I gave him those estimates, he asked me if I do residential cleaning and I cleaned his house 3 days later. I really like doing work for churches.
ParticipantThis is a great tool to use in getting started…Even if the idea came from a younger, less attractive member of the Brown family.
I got the emails Grant sent out and I sent them to about 2400 agents and it has been keeping me busy. I’ve gotten tons of calls and tons of work from it. They aren’t top dollar jobs, but when you’re just starting out it definitely pays the bills.
I cleaned for an agent yesterday that got my email. She had me clean a sofa and loveseat and 2 rugs (all full price) and I sold her protectant. It turned out to be a pretty good paying job, but on top of that, just after I left she sent out an email to all of the other agents in her office and to over 100 of her contacts. Before I reached my next job I had already gotten a call and booked the appointment.
For all of us newbies, this could be a great way to builld up the business!
ParticipantI was a little lost finding it so here’s exactly how to get to it. Props for Jeremy who brought this up! Thanks a bunch!
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The Additional Services Sheet is the fourth one listed~Allison Brown