Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI left out couple of things out in my last post. Cody thank you for clarifying the issue of owners not paying. My question is what about owners who own multiple states? Are they being required to pay $200 per state? Also for Cody-you mentioned that there would be a $500 fee for “any sale” that comes through corporate. Is that only for sales that can be tracked back to the fund or is that now going to be standard for all sales (excluding self generated sales)? Could you please clarify that for me.
ParticipantNot to disagree, I believe the shows will be affective. To be fair, however, the internet was not around when Chem-Dry sold the majority of those franchises. The internet is the future. I think the internet soon will be our greatest tool in the growth of our franchise. We need to look long and hard at utilizing this tool to its full potential.
ParticipantHow about if an S.O. doesn’t contribute to the fund those missing payments get tacked on to the flat fee. For example, we started this back about 10 months ago. If someone has only paid for 5 of those months than there is still 5 months ($1000) they haven’t contributed. That money should be tacked on to the regular $500 lead fee. total $1500. Make it a $3500 fee if they don’t participate for a whole year. That way it covers their 12 months of missed payments, the regular $500 fee, and puts in a $600 penalty. Just a thought.
ParticipantMonday- day two- made an extra $35. Like McDonalds says-I’m Lovin It.
ParticipantFirst off, Jeremy Kicks A– at marketing. We were talking on the phone the other day and Jeremy was trying to figure out a way to make an extra $15-20 on each job. We started bouncing ideas off of each other and the next thing I know he’s already come up with this sheet and put it in affect. I asked how it was going and he told me they had booked a return appointment to clean some upholstery and picked up a couple of additional protectant sales. I too have done something similar, the first day I started(last Friday), it I made me an extra $40 on one job. Not bad for handing someone a piece of paper. I’m excited to see how this works out.
Gordon I am charging $20 per “Lifetime Spotter”.
ParticipantThe International Seminar was Awesome! For those who didn’t go, hope to see you at the next one. It was energizing!
ParticipantMy votes for San Diego or Pheonix. Have the seminar, have a golf tourney after the seminar, Write the whole thing off 8)
No swearing-fine. No beer-no deal!
ParticipantDavid, Good to see you on the board. I’m going to send you a couple of things. talk to you later.
Participantsame with me. I didnt hear anything from the chamber deal but it was a great idea.
ParticipantMr. California himself. I spoke with him today and he’s supposed to call me later so I can talk him through his first visit to “the board”.
ParticipantI too am advertising in the papers. My ad says:
Great business oppty.
Heaven’s Best Carpet cleaning
Franchises available throught KY.
FREE video
Participantgood point-where is John, Adam & Holly? I’ll call Leo and try to get him onboard.
I agree with you we do need to start looking ahead at sales rather than dwelling on the past. I’m gonna call Dan and get him set up on the board so he can become invoved in these discussions also.tx45
ParticipantI agree with Ron in that S.O. meetings should be minimum of two days. I understand this last meeting was in conjunction with the national seminar and that limited our time. Ron, I just wanna see your smiling face and share a cold one with you ,thats why I’d want you to fly across the Country 😀 .
Seriously though the more I think about it I agree with Ron again that maybe we should look at the program as an advertising fund and not an “Internet” fund. I do still think there should be some kind of retribution from those who have not been participating and from those who continue to not participate.
Also, Gordon and I spoke this morning about some of what he posted and I believe Ron brought it up at the seminar, and that is a procedures manual. I would rather hear it called guidlines but whatever. I think there are alot of unaswered questions right now because of the transition on top of the regular everyday S.O. responsibilities that need to be addressed. I think in the next couple of weeks if we all (more S.O. becoming invovled in the board) continue to use this forum and discuss these questions, along with Cody’s Input, we can iron some of these questions out.tx45
ParticipantI want to clarify that I am completely on board with the $200 a month program. In the begining I was a little concerned, now I do see the greater good. My question is – there are a few owners who have not recieved one lead from the program. There is an owner who has only 1 area left to sell. There are some state owners who, from what Cody said at the meeting, have not been contributing to the fund. How do we handle these situations and make them fair?
I think owners who have not been contributing should pay a much higher fee back, when they recieve a sale from the program, than those who have been contributing. Maybe as high as $3000-4000 per sale. This might encourage them to start contributing.
I also think those who have not received a single lead from the program, and the owner with only 1 area left, should continue to pay the $200 but when they do recieve a sale then they pay nothing back for the first sale. And $1000 for each additional sale. After an owner sells his last area I dont know if they should be required to contribute.
As far as owners who are recieving a lot of leads, they will most likely be selling more which means they will be increasing the fund with their pay backs. $1000 per sale.
These are quick ideas that I’m throwing out there.
There are a few owners who have not said a word about this topic, these owners concern me. Do they not care or are they fine with the way things are going?
Ideally state owners would use this message board to discuss most of these questions, however, majority of the owners are not. I am interetsed to see if that changes. If it doesn’t in the next couple of weeks than I would have to agree with Dennis that there is a need to have another meeting this year(sooner than later).
I am posting these questions to see what others think and hopefully we can come up with some solutions. -