Forum Replies Created
Participanthi laura thanks brian sutton gave me a heads up on that tip also problem is i got that coming with my order also so guess im in the dog house now and i got another question i cleaned a womans carpet last week with 101 and orange D it didnt get it clean than i cleaned it agian with 101 and citris booster and it cleaned up fine whats up with that?
Participantdave we need to talk on the phone sometime im sure alot of people are getting a kick on this topic and yeah ron has been alot of help to me i owe him alot he told me not to do the money mailer thing he was right out of 10,000 flyers not a single call thats just rotton luck on my part so it cost me from now on i listen no more mistates. Thank you all!
Participantok dave negative you say i say facts i must say i dont like to beg people for jobs when its slow and have to worry about paychecks i say what i got to say thats just me not gonna try and be someone im not but i know it will come back around after summer till than as you say im doing what i got to do to much time on my hands now maybe its time to do the cab thing again for a while???? the bagel joint that i cleaned sold his place to go back to driving a truck not that i hate this kind of work to quit anytime soon though . Thank you all!
ParticipantDave can you share your ideas about keeping busy because it looks like without Barefoot Bay im shut down around here how much more free stuff i got to give away to get work?miss my snowbirds alot!!!!!! Thank you all.
ParticipantHi Ron i think it would help all of us on sales alot more if people knew who we are im tired of seeing stanley steamer ads on tv everyday day after day and hearing people telling me what crap work they do at such high prices also telling me they never herd of us 1 guy told me how are you cleaning my rug your just grinding in the dirt and moving it around that turned my stomach. TV ads work the best and get the most exposure everyone uses stanley because they all know that name thats whats hurting us the most if we are the biggist growing company out there now we should be the biggist known name hope we get on tv soon . Thank you all!
Participantthank you all ok ill work harder on berber!!!!! Hi dan hows in going in clay things got slow around here in indian river you doing alot of jobs for old ladys?
Participantwow i charged him 70 cents a sq ft and he went for it just because i really didnt want the job but now im gonna do my best to impress us both funny how people react to price i thought he would say no its all about the way you talk to people that sells the job i see im learning
Participantwow we got some good stuff thats for sure you must of used alot of cleaning product for that 1 neil its a great feeling to see our before and after results no body does it better we are the best
Participanthi greg ok heres the areas i work in vero beach not alot there yet ,barefoot bay where most of my jobs have been but alot of the snowbirds are leaving the bay soon and sebastian where i live i run all of indian river county and barefoot bay u seem to have good ideas i know i need to learn much about being a biz man but i have the drive and love this kind of work im in this for the long haul .
Participanthi gordon price is 89.00 for 3 rooms and a hallway up to 600 sq ft and a company is running a ad for 15.00 a room 2 room min on the same page as mine why do i think he is getting all the calls instead of me im in the paper 2 times a week.
Participanthi anna and brian thank you ill try it all i know 1 thing quick boost has made me go back to 2 jobs already i try the fast acting product on berber im sticking with that and yes dry slovent works good on oil stains did a job last week that had many got them all out.
Participantok thanks guys guess im sticking with the price per room with a max sq foot charge in the fine print and get my foot in the door first dont want to press my luck and yeah people do understand the 3 room deals alot better i see now 😀
ParticipantHi Neil cani have a copy please send to as now i will have more time to find more work as my son will be starting daycare no more mr mom for me thank heaven .
Participantmike if you wanna talk about it give me a call im in florida now corp didnt update my city my phone out here is 772-643-6999 thanks ! Gary
Participanti have a machine with a printer on it that i bought hardly used paid 800.00 for it if you give me 400.00 its yours . Gary