Forum Replies Created
Larry young
Participantwe have no competion, but we are there competion, are system is outa there class. I had a guy call me this mornig he had called 4 other folks in the book. the people awnsering the phone couldn’t give him a general price, with the measurements he gave. I gave him a tenative price (.40 a sq. ft. includes protectant) he said how soon can you do it. just before that a gal called me with a 3500 sq foot home gave her a 20% discount (large job) she asked if I had an opening next friday. We have the best system, and each one of us has the oppurtunity to be the best service guy or gal out there.
Sears = Craftsmen (90% of the tools I buy)
Home depot = 80-90% of the maintance budget on my rentals gets spent there.Spring is here!!!! lets go make some $
Larry young
Participantrazor blade, dry solvent. I only use the gum freezez on larger fresh peices of gum
Larry young
ParticipantThere are 2 differnt types where you add somebody onto your insurance. One of them is where your insurance company will notify them if your policy gets changed our canceled wich souldn’t cost anything. (simialer to your ins. on your home) The second actualy covers them, and it does cost. are you sure of wich one they need?
Larry young
ParticipantSounds like were taking over the world 1 carpet at a time. 😆
Larry young
ParticipantFirst let me say that this, the connfrence was AWSOME! I would love to see more hands on traing in the upcoming events, along with more time dedicated to those tasks. Thanks again to all who showed up and worked there butts off to make it happen.
Larry young
ParticipantI just called Excaliber, all our group rates have dropped to 41.00 a night. 🙂 see ya there.
Larry young
ParticipantSo if the argument comes up do you ask them to grab a plate from there cuboard 😆
November 30, 2006 at 3:05 am in reply to: What problems are you having with the Heavens Best Scheduler #148187Larry young
Participanton the tax issue go into file (top left side) click the setup tab, then click Invoice tab. scrowl down list make sure the ones that are checked are indeed taxable Items thengo to phone prefix make sure the correct tax rate is set up in the default state tax feild then scroll down and verify the tax rates are correct by city. hope this helps,
PatLarry young
ParticipantOver the phone I ask how many sq ft are in your home? then ask them what % of that would you guess at what you would like cleaned. then I do the math (including specials that I have out there) then say something like this. So your by the numbers you gave me it comes to 650 sq ft, right now I have a special out there 3 rooms and a hall up to 450 sq ft. so it would be 150, the only thing we charge extra for is food grade dye removal, pet contamination, and protectant. we also have another special out there that you might want to take advantage of…….(furniture, 15% off bill when you have protectant applied, get you neibor to clean on the same day both will get a 10% discount)……..when at the home I Always measure first (looking over the carpet and educating the customer about the problems i see) present bill, then they tell me yeh or neh, (most say yeh) do job give them pickles along the way. at the end of the job I love to hear them say (i didn’t expect you to do…….)
p.s usualy phone bid is within 15 dollars or so of actual. if its not then they didn’t disclose special situation, or had no idiea on sq footage then just explain what the reason was, usualy not a problem w/ customer.Larry young
ParticipantWhen I used to work for the housing athority we applied the wax with sheep wool, we only had VCT tile. few times we ran out, had to use the mop. I definatly liked the sheep better. ever try it?
Larry young
ParticipantRight on Gordan, my thoughts exactly
Larry young
ParticipantLooks good just one ? Is that after it has dried?
Larry young
ParticipantThanks ron have a great day
Larry young
Participanthey Ron, you saying a larger size is better then a smaller add with color?
Larry young
ParticipantThanks, I wasn’t sure a check written to heavens best from heavens best would be a good Idea