Forum Replies Created
Larry young
ParticipantI can’t afford to adopt, my table is full 8 kids 🙂 psalms 127
( i do have the older 3 working w/ me from time to time)Larry young
Participant😆 i am not sure i can handle another employtee I just married the last one I had a month or so ago 🙂 thanks for the info
Larry young
Participantthere is nothing wrong with people stating their opininos as long as we respect each other.
My personal opionion is I don’t want national advertising I am usualy bussyer then I would like to be letting word of mouth grow my bussiness.
Just my 2 cents change is available if needed. 😆(we need spell check on this thing)
Larry young
ParticipantGordon why is that?
Larry young
ParticipantI also follow up with dry solvent but getting most of the gum up with steam and a towel I find it faster then drysolvent alone.
Larry young
Participantweve also been removing gum with the steam iron two cheaper t5hen freezing:)
Larry young
very true Last week I cleaned for a gentalmen that works at adds (alcohol drug dependency services) not once did I metion I would like to clean there just talked about how I thought that would be a very rewarding job helping people that wanted to help them selves:) got home tonight and there was a estimate request on the websight from them approximantly 8000 sq ft 😀
have a great day
PatLarry young
Participantthank you
Larry young
ParticipantI concur
Larry young
Participantwhen if first started cleanig w/ hb there was another bonnet cleaner in my area (mostly did comercial work) he has since closed his doors. i have had the oppurtunity to clean dfor some of his past clients while they were p[leased with the service he performed they were much more impressed with the job we did for them i think alot of it has to do with the cemicals we use. he was buying from a local janitorial supply company so don’t be to afraid. Be proud that he is trying to step it up a notch to compete with YOU!
Larry young
Participantmaybee dave can travel around aned clean forus all?
Larry young
Participantif you have been doing a landlords carpets for awhile you should give them good notice. on my rental agreaments I always put there is a non-refundable carpet cleaning fee of 120.00 so if my carpet cleaner raises his prices I need to adjust my paper work acordingly. when I raised my prices the first year I told my LL customers that I would honor my old prices till there tenants were cycled through.
Larry young
Participantfor 2-2 months I handed them out to every one, told them if they would like to fill it out before I leave then I will batch them. if they would rather send it in directly I then put a stamp on them. by batch them I mean the 5 dollar cram as many as you can in the envelope the post office does type. still havent sent them in yet guess I had better start handing them out hope that helps
Larry young
ParticipantI spoke with jenifer again she said she would give a $200 credit for any referals I gave her I said give it back to the franchisee who signs up as hblv is the one who refeard me to yodle I will be giving it a try in the next few months will let ya know how it works
PatLarry young
ParticipantI just wanted to post this so ya all can ponder over it let me know what ya think if you do go with this company Jenifer said that we could all get the set up fee at this new reduced setup charge after I told her how big we are and what not
Contract Date: Jun 04, 2008
Your Yodle Contact:
Jennifer Spellman, Yodle Inc. | Phone: 646-213-7405
Your Company’s Information:
Company Name:
Company Address:Customer/Main Contact:
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Fax #:Your Order Info:
Contract Length: 3 months Contract term will start when your account is live (Go-Live date) and advertising on the engines.
Description of Charges Amount
Monthly Advertising Budget – Initial budget will be billed on ‘Go Live’ date.
*Budget will directly affect the number of visitors to your site and number of customers to your business. Please be aware that prices and market conditions fluctuate without notification and results may vary accordingly. All billings are prepaid and automatically billed for the month & any balance at the end of the month will be applied to the next month as “Roll-Over.” $600.00
Set Up – Setup, First Month’s fees, and the Initial Monthly Budget are billed and due upon contract signing.
Includes – Keyword Portfolio Design, Geo Targeting, Ad Copy Creation, Search Provider Selection, Domain Registration. $223.00
Monthly Management
Includes – Dedicated Account Manager, Website Statistics, Campaign & Keyword Management, Website Hosting, Access to Yodle Live Platform.
($0.08/min phone fees not included) $57.00
Adversite Setup
Includes – Customer Specials or Coupons, Conversion Tracking, Domain Name, Email Accounts. $0.00
Total Amount Billed: $280.00Legal Disclaimer: Yodle is not liable for any disruptions in service, inadequate service or otherwise undesirable performance. The customer understands and acknowledges that business specific characteristics may result in performance that is above or below similar clients. The customer understands that any claim or guarantee provided, exclusively pertains to services directly rendered by the vendor, and not to 3rd party traffic provider costs. Yodle makes no claim as to the merchantability of this offering, and is not liable for any damages, monetary or otherwise, incurred by the customer. You may not lower your budget until your recurring advertising budget commitment period has passed. After your contract commitment has passed, you will be billed on a monthly recurring basis and you may cancel at any time. All cancellations must be made by fax and will be made effective on the following bill cycle at which time any remaining funds will be used for final advertising. The customer understands and acknowledges that the products listed above carry no express or written warranty. The customer understands that this Order Form is in addition to and part of the Customer Terms and Conditions, collectively the “Agreement” and by signing above, acknowledges he/she has reviewed this Agreement.
Yodle © Terms and Conditions:
Instructions: Sign your Name here and Click on the checkbox to agree to our terms of service.Customer:
Pat HanfordHeaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning – Grant County
PO Box 1335
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Phone: 5097650332As an authorized agent of the Customer, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms of this document.
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