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ParticipantWe purchased the TandG machine a couple of months ago and love the results. A couple of modifications I would make is having a clamp for the hose that connects to the water. When it pressurizes, it tends to blow the hose off and spray the entire bathroom. I know this from personal experience. Also, when you are finished, and have pumped all the water out, remember that there is still about a gallon of water in the machine. I am going to have a bucket that I can dump it into via the T handle in the back. One more thing to remember, DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE MACHINE UP AND DOWN STAIRS BY YOURSELF WITHOUT HELP! I just about killed myself and almost damaged the stairwell in a customers home. I am tempted to get a couple more sets of hoses so that I can leave it on one level.
ParticipantWe are using Square exclusively now. We have had absolutely no problems with it. Would highly recommend it.
ParticipantIn a couple of weeks, I will be eurathaning my van for up here in Alaska. Cant possibly imagine -30 weather again without it. We also have no garage. SOOOO, it will be like the first year I moved here in 2005. If anyone is looking for a good way to insulate their van, this is going to come out to 3-400 bucks, but well worth it as opposed to replacing pumps.
ParticipantThose of you that have been soak and suckers, how long can they typically reach. I want to try to get a mental picture so I can try to market to some of those hard to get places.
ParticipantI totally want to do that! What did you do for the decals?
ParticipantAlaska has a pretty fair share of TandG. Lots of kitchens, entrys and specialty areas. Normally you would think that it is very cold, but many homes here have infloor heat. It is very efficient and runs off of a boiler system. The tile actually radiates the heat.
ParticipantI am Mormon and have tried to get in myself too. In fact I the facilities director is in my ward. From talking to him, it is pretty much impossible to get in unless we as an entire company bid for the contract. There is a company called Varsity Contracting that handles all of their work. That is one thing. Also, they specifically say that they only want truckmount systems used. This of course is for all of the west and Alaska, I don’t know about the eastern US. I have to agree though, it would be a good contract to have! No coffee! 🙂 🙂 🙂
ParticipantJust FYI, I found out that Capitol Contractors no longer has the contract for Famous Footwear. I am going to try and find out who has it now and ask them about it. Unless some of you know.
ParticipantYou know, I was leary about cleaning for them at first too. However, I still average $100/hour when I clean there. Each store is suppose to vacuum and they don’t. Even though it is filthy, the vacuuming makes a HUGE improvement. I then buff as normal. Strengthen up the solution, and the spots come right out. I have never been able to make the traffic areas look that great, but I think it is the soda spills, and real eye sores that they are concerned about. No one is standing there telling me to get that spot or the other. When the store manager signs off, that is good enough to get paid. If they want a 10 cent/sf job, that is what they get. But at the end of the day, when I have cleaned 4 local stores and one about 6 hours away, by the way they pay the fuel and accomodations for the far one. By the end of the day, I am sitting with $1650. Not bad I would say. The next time though, I am going to negociate with them on the Gum and Candy spots though. Try and squeeze a little more out of them.
ParticipantHow long ago was that Gary?
ParticipantIt is an ad company.
ParticipantHi Danbo
I started a post not too long ago about this same topic, you can read about it further down. I am very annoyed with the company myself. They will not stop calling me. I have asked to be taken off the list several times and they will not! I initially had expressed some interest, but what it all boils down to is that they start by saying that they will get you leads, but what they really want is to be an after hours secratary/answering service. I would have to train all of their employees on what my criteria is, more about the company, and then they would try to get the job for me. NO THANKS! I can to just fine by myself. Also, it seems that the same person is calling me over and over, because I would recognize that little foreign voice in a crowded room of people. STAY AWAY FROM IN CONTACT 24-7 AT ALL COSTS is my recommendation. If there is someone that uses them and is pleased, please speak up, but for me, NO WAY.HBplantcityfla
ParticipantIt took a few hours learning but you can catch on really fast. I know just the basics and can operate it fairly easily. There are only a few tools I use too. I imagine to actually go in and create artwork, it would take alot more, but it is already created, you are just going in and changing it to make it how you want it.
ParticipantI use CS2 and LOVE it! I have been able to take the ad templates off the HB site and change the prices and voilaaaa, you have a very professional looking ad! I have used it for my YP ads magazine, you name it. I would say that it is definately worth the investment. I just got sick of my ad being messed up. So, eliminating the middle man has saved me lots of headache. Actually on one of my camera ready ads the advertiser messed it up the other day, I was very surprised. What had happened is that I had the image as a pdf, and they tried to make it a pdf again. Minor flaws, but they felt so bad that they gave me about $250 worth of advertising.
ParticipantI am partially going against the grain on this one. When I recieve calls that have to do with pet urine, I will usually ask lots of questions. Like first of all, does the smell knock you off your feet, or are there just 1-2 spots. If it looks like extensive urine, I will always refer them out to Power Clean, local friend. BUT, if it us just really dirty with traffic wear, I will usually go ahead and do it. When I am done, It usually still looks like crap to me but the customer has lived with it for so many years that any iimprovement is just wonderful. In the end I am still a hero at the end of the day. Plus it gives me experience using some of my products that I don’t use very often.