Forum Replies Created
Newsletter Writer
SpectatorHere are some things you can do in Vegas that are FREE
1- White Tiger Exhibit at the Mirage-FREE
2- Dancing Fountains and the Bellagio- FREE
3- Lion Habitat at the MGM Grand- FREE
4- Flaming Volcano at the Mirrge- FREE
5- Treasure Island pirate ship- FREEI agree with the other posters that just walking around the strip and seeing all the casions is amazing. Many of them are over the top and fun to look at. While you are wandering around, many have things to do that are inexpensive. . .you just have to see what each casion has to offer. This website is a great resource This website offers a LOT of stuff
The 2 times my husband and I went to Vegas, we were starving students and had NO budget. We ate lunch each day at the In-n-Out Burger that is right near the strip and would try to find a cheap buffet for the evening. . .
This website has a great meal comparison chart. You can choose your type of food, and the dollar ammount you want to spend and it will show you all the places availavle.Hope that helps 🙂
Newsletter Writer
SpectatorHi Everyone,
Thanks for being patient with us as we prepare for our first ever National seminar!!Dave in PA, I would like to apologize for not having the reservation code. that was my mistake and I appologize! Again, thanks for being patient with us!
Natasha Howard-Brenchley