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ParticipantI want to add that I had been very sceptical about using pet enzyme and getting good results, especially on hard pet issues. There was no way to tell, because as we all know when you are cleaning/treating it, it is too wet to determine final results. Consequently, when returning to clean these homes at later dates, I am amazed at the great results and lack of odor I detect. Always, we will manage expectations and set prices before-hand, while explaining what results may be.
Not sure where you landed on your pricing. We are .30 psf/$3 per stair for residential and .12-.15 psf for commercial in San Antonio. Good luck.
ParticipantWe have had the same challange and now have a chart we made up, with ratios, that is taped to the back of our vans for easy reference. I can attest to not being focused on the job at hand and either grabbing the wrong jug or forgetting what I already put in and having to start over.
ParticipantSmart phone (Treo) linked to my laptop. Easily shows day, week, month at a glance, color coded for easy identification. Schedule is printed each day and emailed to my brother, who operators HB2. I let him know which jobs are his. Tried paper schedule and tried using both. Nothing has worked as well.
I have limited success. I now bake into my bids extra for another trip out, as I usually have to do two trips for cat urine. I manage expectations with clients by letting them know that cat urine is far more concentrated than dog and that while I will improve it, I can not guarantee that I can remove it. I also let them know that I will make another trip out, if required, after a few days, hence my incresed bid. If you come across something that works, please let me know. Good luck.
ParticipantI spoke with Diane today and thankfully they are looking for more cleaners in Texas. It took all of about two minutes to get added as a preferred cleaner. Thank you for sharing. Matt
I began operating with two new vans when I bought the exisiting franchise about three years ago. We could have easily started with only one and built up, but I decided to jump in. The obvious issues are around cost and a reliable employee. My brother runs the other van, so I am fine with him taking it home at night and I do not need to rent out a garage facility. I am not sure I would have the same comfort level with anyone else. Costs include van, equipment package (somewhat scaled back), supplies and insurance. We found that now, since we have some experience, we can do 99% of the jobs with one man. We do not move much heavy furniture (and carry sliders in each van). We simplified the schedule so that morning appointments almost always start at 9:00 AM and afternoon appointments are almost always 1:00 PM. I email the schedule to him each night with his jobs highlighted. Let me know if you have any other questions and GOOD LUCK! Matt
ParticipantGordon, We use both when/if called for. I am not fond of the fresh scent odor, but those clients that have a pet odor issue certainly prefer it to the smell of urine. Final step is great, just pricey.
We have Val-Pac in San Antonio and usually three to four cleaners are in the PAK each month. I have made the decision not be take part for two reasons. 1. Too many others already do it. 2. Most importantly, I have made the decision that I do not want to position us as a low priced cleaner.
I am open minded and will continue to review this, along with all other options for advertising, for the future.
ParticipantHello all…Angie’s List is our top referral program. We are currently the top rated carpet cleaner on the list in San Antonio, I am proud to say. Last year we won their Super Service Award too. We work hard to maintain a top rating and as such, we generate between 3-6 jobs a week from it. I spend $130 a month for an ad I run that offers a 15% discount to Angie’s List clients and it pays for itself each month with the first job we book. Think of it as a referral program that your clients use. They rate your service, along with general comments. Ratings are for professionalism, punctuality, responsiveness, quality, price and an overall grade (A-F). This gives us instant validation as a reputable cleaner and we get a higher level of client and a higher price. These clients typically do not haggle, they want great service and a quality product. Be prepared to be rated by your clients, which should be a good thing. If you can get involved (you have to be selected), I suggest you go for it. Best money ever spent!
ParticipantFriends, a general question…Why do we spend the time and money to sell a customer we already have? My experience is that those that like us use us and those that don’t either never will or have not heard of us. I am less likely to discount to regular clients, especially in a mass campaign.
ParticipantMatt, I have sat down with our local advretising rep who sells the space. She explained all about how it will build business, etc., etc. She told me the cashiers are supposed to hand the receipt to each customer with the coupon side out, which I told her they never do. Anyway, I asked my wife, who does the shopping and clips coupons every
Sunday, if she ever looks at her grocery store receipt for the coupons. She never does. I never did it.GA18
ParticipantTrevor and Neil,
Don’t sweat it. 10 minutes feels likea long time to talk, but it will go by quickly. Suggest you focus on points of differentiation between your service and the “other guys” (quality, professionalism, low moisture benefits, etc..). Bring in some clean pads and show them to the members as you talk about how it works. Before and after pictures are a great idea. Also suggest you leave time for “q & a” because there will be more than you think. Good luck.GA18
ParticipantMatt, I am very interested in adding this service to my arsenal of products. What training have you had?
ParticipantTrevor, I think you get the point from everyone to be careful and go slowly. Natural cotton is a definite no-no. Even after training we ran into one of these pieces and ruined it. Other than that, we always do a colorfast test first and if there are any concerns, we use the disclaimer. If we really feel uncertain, we simly pass on the job. We love doing upholstery because you can usually show a huge improvement in the piece and it can have a good profit margin, especially if an add-on to a carpet job. Two days ago I spent two hours cleaning a micro-fiber sectional with ink stains, crayon marks, glitter glue and numerous other stains. Called back yesterday and the client said I was a “miracle worker”. Did not plan on spending two hours to clean it, but that is what it took to do it right. “Slow and steady wins the race.” Good luck.