Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI have sent the pay schedule to Jesse and Brett. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you did not receive.
ParticipantI charge 55 dollars a room for all rooms under 180 square feet. If over 180 I charge .35 cents per square foot. If there is no furniture I take 15% off that price. If we do not move the furniture I take 20% off the original $55.
I pay my operators using Barry and Jim’s system, from Washingotn DC. My operator makes a flat rate of 6 dollars per hour. then they are paid according to the amout they earn. 35 dollars per hour with 100% satisfaction earns 12% of the amount they bring in. If they make 50$ per hour they will make 17 percent of the gross.
Here is a for instance.
40 hours of work at 6 dollars is 240 dollars.
If they earned 1400 dollars that week that is 35 dollars per hour. Which translates to 12%. 12% of 1400 is 168 plus 240 = 408. This is 10.20 per hour.
If they same guy earned 50 dollars per hour which is 2000 dollars her can earn more. 17% of 2000 is 340 plus 240 = 580 which is 14.50 per hour. In other words the more the company earns the more the employee earns.
I can send you a copy of the pay schedule if you like.
ParticipantAmen to what Brian said. I also include protector in all my prices. Only one person has refused this year. Best move I have made. I am not smart enough to think of these things on my own so I just steal good ideas from other smart people like Brian.
ParticipantWe are toying with the idea of having our techs sell when times are slow. We either set up the appointment or allow them to visit the business and do the demonstration. I pay them 5 bucks an hour and then 10 percent of any job they get. The 10 percent is a 1 time payment.
ParticipantAmen. I just bought a small heater and plug it up on nights that get below 30 degrees or so. I do know that at 15 degrees your stainless steel sprayer will freeze and burst at the metal handle. Only one way to know that. Ha Ha
Thanks for all the hard work. Would you send me a packet as well.
I also did my first job of the year without fabric protector this week. It must be a sickness that is going around. Hope the day after your birthday can make up for the loss of revenue.
Jamie 😆CO11
ParticipantI have also had some success with a small book. We are averaging about the same output from the small book as the big ones.
ParticipantSome colors are really easy to match. some are a little harder. The more you practice the more you match the color quickly. Set your water amount in the bottle and this will allow you to duplicate your colors when you have to match those colors again. I use 4 ounces each time.
ParticipantI stole the idea from one of the magazines. I am a teacher, so I am very good at applying other peoples ideas to what I am doing. I wonder if anyone has tried anything like this before. I have only had about 2 spots that I could not get out after putting down fab pro. My experience is limited because I have only been in business for a little over 2 years.
ParticipantI know it it not standard procedure, but we wash the bag every day after cleaning. I just keep 3 or 4 in the van and change them out all of the time. It has worked great for us. A little time consuming though.
ParticipantI have done two jobs only. I used the same steel wool pad for both. They were about 600 sq. ft. and 1200 sq ft. No problems. The white pad is still doing well also.
ParticipantThe practice went well. We had to put at least 4 ounces of water in the bottle to make it spray when it was tipped to the side. The bottles squirt a very thin stream so you can be very exact with the spraying of color.
So they worked well.
ParticipantI got my kit the other day. I was wondering why we got such huge bottles to mix and apply the dye. I thought the small bottles at training were perfect because you only needed a very small amount of product. With such large bottles you will have to mix up a huge amount just so the bottle will spray when tipped toward the carpet. What do you do with the other 15 ounces of liquid that you had to mix up? I am going to practice tonight and train my employee. I will let you know how it turns out.
ParticipantThe guy who contacted us has the following email. Send him an email and see if you can work in your area. He has worked with several Heaven’s Best operators in the past and seems pleased with the work we do. I have done two jobs so far. Both took 15 minutes and they paid us 80 dollars for each. No hassle no problem.
Jamie -