Forum Replies Created
ParticipantLike I said before I am in favor for a website advertising fee. This would accomplish so many of our corporate needs. We could and should be focusing on how to drive more business to our operators. The web site needs lots of work, and Justin can’t due it all. We need a team working on bringing us to the top. I an not sure that I would start out at $100 a month, but I feel that $50 would be a great start. Once the operators see that they are getting a return on the investment with the new and improved web presence then they will see the value of additional increase to the advertising fees.
I also agree with cutting back on the 101 for new operators. The amount of 101 that they are receiving is more than enough. I don’t feel we will have lost a single sale on franchises due to a cut in the amount of 101 they receive. This should be our goal in every change. Making it so that we don’t loose sales. Instead giving the potential buyer more reasons to invest in Heaven’s Best. The covenant Franchise 50 award is a goal that we should not forget about. It speaks volumes to potential operators.
Shipping fees go up every year. I still believe in charging something for shipping, but if we are to worried to charge for shipping then we should at least raise the minimum order from $100 to $150. This would cut a fraction of the shipping cost the MCO is paying for.
As far as raising prices on product I would be in favor of a flat 5% increase next year in the middle of the busy season. This would give the guys a chance to get use to the added advertising fee and start making money on the jobs that I feel the changes would bring them.
I would be in favor of restructuring how we sell franchises. I have to admit that it is harder then I thought it would be. I have no training, or credentials to sell businesses to people. I would much rather work with my operators and focus my attention on making them more profitable then to try to sell franchises. I feel that what Heaven’s Best needs is a sales team that is good at what they do SELLING. We are coming into a new opportunity to sell franchises right now. Just this week I have had two friends get laid off of their job. They both received a nice package ,and they are looking into starting their own business. It’s just to bad they don’t live in Arizona.
With all of these proposals it will bring in a large amount of revenue 200k-400k a year to corporate. I still believe that keeping things on the small side and small changes like these will help with franchise sales. Being proactive with our operators and helping them grow will boost revenue. For every franchise sale that we have the amount of revenue will go up. If you factor in new sales, and the increases we should be more in the range of 250k-500k a year in three to five years down the road. It has never been my intention to question, or doubt the kings intentions. Cody has thrown out some paper smart ideas for changes. If you take them for what they are on paper they sound good. He also has asked for input in to what we think about the new changes. Just because it looks smart on paper does not mean that it will work in real life. I papered out the purchase of Arizona many times, and it has been nothing close to what we projected. If you feel that the new deal that Cody has come out with is perfect, I want to know why. I want to hear what it will do for us and how it will be positive for the operators on up. I think that we all respect Cody for who he is as a CEO and as a person. There is nothing wrong with helping him with suggestions on the direction that we are moving. Please lets hear more suggestions, and what we feel that we can get behind and less follow the leader just because we need change.
ParticipantI believe that steps have to be taken to move our business to the future. I am one of those operators who would be mad at myself if I only did 15k a month. When I look over these plans I ask what will it do for me as an operator, and what will it do to me as a state owner. As an operator it won’t change that much. If I don’t get it from corporate I get it on my own. I am sure that some of the changes would bring in more business. My risk is only $180 a month. As a state owner I have $250k at risk to have it fail. This is why some of us are so passionate about theses changes. It could have drastic changes to the value of our states. The way our franchises have been set up in the past has worked. We have some states that have more territories sold then others. WHY? We should be asking the HOW? I have learned that I am a great carpet cleaner, a great businessman, and a great state owner to my guys. The one thing I am not great at is selling a franchise.
Cody is correct in looking to the Internet as the future. As far as new customers it has only been in the last seven months that we started seeing an increase in estimate request come from the HB website. I would say that it has been close to thirty. I am still looking at the revised plan and do feel that it is better. I am glad to see that we are now getting some figures to work with. I agree that corporate needs more money and they are going to have to get it. I am pretty sure that MCO Inc holds about 20 different states at this time. This would be a first area that I would look at in raising some capital. If we are going to make any changes to the new operators then try it out in these states as a test and see if things are still selling the way they should. Sales are slowly starting to pick up, but the economy is still very down.
I don’t want any increase in royalty fees at all if possible. This is one of our strong points to get sales. It does make us stand out from the rest of the other FRANCHISES. Most of us were not looking to buy a carpet cleaning business, but to start a business. When I bought this franchise that was the most important selling point was the fixed $80 a month royalty fee. New area sales are way down across the board right now, but they are starting to pick up. I feel that we should be looking into how to sell more and retain the ones that we have.
What would happen if we stopped putting our $200 a month to advertising in franchise 50 right now and put that towards a web site for selling franchises? I think we would have a better site that could be targeted in the right areas. As far as the website for the operators having a monthly web advertising fee is something that could be implemented. A $50 a month fee for having a site that drives more traffic is something that people will pay. ($192,000 a year) This would be enough money to handle a staff that was dedicated to the website. Search engine optimization I say yes to, a better website yes, but a pay per click from corporate should not be on the table. If a guy wants to do PPC then they should do it on their own or hire it out. We could have online tutorial training to help teach them. With the right staffing with this budget they could take on many aspects of the need list Cody gave us.
I am very surprised and happy to hear the phrase IICRC training. This is something that I have never heard before coming from anyone at the corporate level. I myself have taken IICRC classes many times over the years. I have never paid $500 for a class. I am signed up to take a tile class that is $425 this month, but it is not an IICRC class. A OCT (odor control tech) is $149 and a WRT (water damage) class is $399. Most of the classes are around $250 plus the certification. I have never felt it was anyone but me that should pay for this. I do feel that we should encourage them to take part in these classes. Does the LMCCA have scholarship programs set up for its members? This is definitely someplace that corporate should not be spending money to sponsor.
I was already planning on raising the number of territory fees on most of my operators in the next five years. I have some guys that are not paying enough for the amount of population growth that has occurred. With a change in the royalty fee structure it will be that much harder to get them to give back, or pay an additional territory fee increase. These were part of the financial numbers that were figured in when I bought the state of Arizona. With one of my operators packing up this year already I am now going in the hole every month. I need to make my operators more money. I also need them to stay in business. I am always looking for ways to help them out. With the new plan I would make an additional $10 a month in the next two years. I would be losing $80 a month when it is time to renew contracts.
ParticipantIf you find that you have to refer it out I recommend tagging along to watch. Be up front with the repair man and tell him you want to see how it is done. I learned most of my repairs on my own, but I have learned quite a few tricks from some of the old timers in the business.
ParticipantThis repair could be hard. It all depends on your level of experience. If they have enough carpet to replace an entire stair it can be done. A patch on the corners will not last long. If it is one piece of carpet for the entire length I would cut the carpet in the crease of the stair. Remove damaged piece. Make sure tack strips are still good. Use the old carpet for a template and cut new carpet. Start at the top and secure carpet into tack strip stretch down the face and secure to tack strip. Use carpet stapler and secure. A carpet stapler uses narrow staples and hides them well. I hope this Helps
ParticipantI want to clarify a few things that has been brought up. I know I am just a small piece to the larger puzzle, but at least everyone will know where I am coming from.
1) I believe that we need to split the web site in two. We can not accomplish great results with either carpet cleaning or franchise sales with should stay with a major face lift. The focus should be about scheduling jobs for the operators. When I say scheduling jobs we need to get back to basics with target audience (women). A great looking easy to navigate website, that is set up with getting to the top organically is in my opinion the best fit for all of us. Keep all of the back pages for operators to log in on so that we are still driving in traffic for us. Set up a landing page that has better options to make it feel more customized and targeted.
2) have a website that is set up strictly for selling franchises. Give it all the bells and whistles to get people really interested. It should have many pages of FAQ, video, and who are heavensbest owners. This would be the first place we send potential buyers. I would like each state to have there own page where they can list areas open for sale and contact info for them and other operators. At this point Ron you can set up pay per click advertising and direct them to your info on the site. If we do not do this at the corporate level then AZ will have a frachise sales site. I believe in the power of pay-per-click and I need to sell some areas.The Internet will have a big impact on our business in the future. For some of us it is already change the dynamics of advertising. I like the concept Randy is talking about with the site of giving our operators more control and accessibility. I am not a fan of the site, and feel that we would be taking a great risk in hopes that some day it might work. I feel that if guys were going to spend money on a site why not have it go to corporate, and have the site done up right. You are talking about $11,500 if we had a $35 website fee just like is asking. I am sure with that amount of budget for web development and SEO we could have more man power to making it happen.
I have been seeing first hand the power of the Internet. I have helped a few people set up with google and get online. I call and check in with them and they are booking jobs. That is what this is all about. They get more jobs, buy more solutions, add trucks or sell off territory, we have great number to show potential buyers. As times are changing so are our potential buyers. If I was looking at buying a franchise today I would want to see a website that is bringing in rev. that comes with my purchase. I am Not saying this is the only options, this is just my two cents.
ParticipantI agree that any advertising is an investment. As with all investments you have to do your research and stay on top of it. Internet advertising is a big deal in some areas, and it is not in others. Take a look at my area. We have both a large metro of Sacramento, and small country towns like Placerville. Metro does very good online, but I never get clicks on the web. Small town gets most from small local yellow pages. We try to track the all of the Internet as best as possible. It makes it very hard to do with the web. I thought the different phonebooks was a pain. When you ask where they say online. What did you type and they say google or searched carpet cleaning. We have so many avenues of advertising on the web like in the local google, local yahoo,, facebook pay-per-click,,, google pay-per-click and so on. The truth is there is so many places that we show up I find myself by accident and did not even know how we got there. I decided that it is way to hard to track. If they say the Internet then we write Internet on the invoice on the bottom. I spend a lot of money on pay-per-click and other sites. From now on I just want to see my return on Internet spent vs. dollars spent. Pay-per-click is very intimidating. It is hard to get started, and you have to watch it everyday. I am currently looking after 12 different campaigns for other operators on google. They are doing very well so far, but at some point I will have to let them take the control and monitor it themselves. I knew nothing about the Internet a year ago, but I taught myself and learned as much as possible. Same thing about carpet cleaning before I started nine years ago. Whether you are doing online advertising now or not it is a good time to learn as much as possible, because the shift is heading that way. Wsi or yodel is good if you no nothing, but just like with your business know one runs it like you do.
ParticipantHeavensbestlv, I was going to call you directly today. Then I read this post. I was searching the term heavens best and you showed up with Yahoo. It was a paid sponsor listing. If wsi or yodel is the one who put this up then shame, shame, shame, on them. You need to do Geo-targeted advertising only in the areas you serve. It does you no good having a person clicking on your site in California. Give me a call and I can probably help you focus your pay per click campaign. I will never charge you for my help, but you might have to take me out for a beer next time I am in Vegas. I would check to see how many times the keyword heavens best has been clicked. 95% of them probably came from other operators going to our site to place an order. They see your add for HB and click. Next thing you know you just spent 4-5 dollars.
ParticipantI want to thank Justin for posting this information. I can give a testimonial on the effectiveness of the hb website. Over the last few months I have received on average 5 estimate request a month. I could not figure where they came from or how at first. I would be generous to say that we have had five in the last 8 years before this. Organic searches is a key factor in getting estimates. With the rise in the rankings we are seeing more traffic. I want to ask if I am receiving five at the current ranking of 10th what would it be if we were ranked in the top three. I as an operator will see more jobs coming my way, at no cost to me. I as a state owner will have my guys doing more jobs and using more 101 solution. Corporate will sell more 101. This is a win, win ,win for all involved. I say push to the top and focus on making the a national advertising for selling jobs. Hear is a copy of what Justin is talking about.
Google Advanced Search
PreferencesWeb News Results 1 – 10 of about 8,210,000 for carpet cleaning. (0.29 seconds)
Search Results
Stanley Steemer Home
Stanley Steemer HomeCarpets, Area Rugs, Tile and Grout, Hardwood Floors, Air Ducts, and more! For over 60 years, we have been bringing cleaner, more comfortable homes to … – 43k – Cached – Similar pagesChem-Dry Carpet Cleaning & Upholstery Cleaners Carpet Cleaning …Carpet Cleaning the Chem-Dry way. Upholstery cleaning, Commercial & residential carpet cleaners. Carpet cleaning products.Removal of carpet stains. – 17k – Cached – Similar pagesSears Carpet Cleaning & Upholstery Cleaning – Complete Carpet …Superior carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning and air duct cleaning professionals. Come see the experts at carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, … – 28k – Cached – Similar pagesCarpet Cleaning Stuff;Carpet Cleaners:Carpet cleaning machinesCarpet Cleaning Stuff;Consumer tips and information on carpet cleaners, machines and supplies. Learn how to remove carpet and rug stains. – 10k – Cached – Similar – The World’s Most Experienced Cleaning & Restoration …COIT is your number one source for specialty cleaning and restoration services, including tile & grout cleaning, air duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, … – 15k – Cached – Similar pagesCarpet Cleaning | Carpet cleaners | CouponsFind great carpet cleaning tips and how to guides. Choose a local carpet cleaner and find carpet cleaning coupons. Great Carpet Cleaning Resource site! – 17k – Cached – Similar pagesNew Jersey Carpet Cleaning, New Jersey Carpet Cleaners serving …New Jersey carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning. Get your carpets and tile cleaned like the first day you got it by All Clean’s New Jersey carpet … – 23k – Cached – Similar pages1-800 DRYCARPET® Carpet Cleaning Offers Genuine Dry Organic …DRY ORGANIC Will Change The Way You Feel About Carpet Cleaning™ … Our proprietary DRY ORGANIC™ carpet cleaning product cleans deeper and more thoroughly … – 59k – Cached – Similar pagesCarpet Cleaners | Clean CarpetsFind local contractors to Clean Carpets or Rugs in a Home. ServiceMagic will connect you with prescreened and customer-rated contractors in your area, … 40005.html – 54k – Cached – Similar pagesHeaven’s Best, worldwide leaders in carpet and upholstery cleaningHeaven’s Best is the world leader in carpet and upholstery cleaning as well as carpet cleaning franchise opportunities. – 22k – Cached – Similar pagesNow notice who is in the top and how we are at the bottom. We are on the first page, but we are at the bottom. This was a search of the phrase carpet cleaning in the google search. I ask that you do it yourself and look at the other websites and see where we need to improve to get the same results. Thank you Justin for all you do.
ParticipantSorry for the back to back postings. I was going through the forum and came across this:
Gordon Kohler wrote:
All of these are good points.
Service Master or Stanley Steamer (I can’t remember which or the two) spent 5 million this year in national TV ads.
What percentage of that bill do you want to pay? Who would decide how, where, and with who those ads are ran?
I am the expert in the markets in my area. and you are the expert in yours. As it is, you have the complete choice to advertise how. and with who as you see fit.
Some operators would go under if we had a mandatory pay out for national advertising.
I don’t want to give up that control of advertising.(place or $)I’m glad I’m in Heaven’s Best!
ParticipantThank you for your input on this Jim. They are outstanding points well made. I agree with most, if not all. I believe that coming up with alternative ways to feed corporate more funding is the ultimate goal. If corporate needs more revenue then let’s find ways to get it. If I need more income I don’t raise my prices from 32cents sq ft to 64. I go out and get more jobs. I push up my price a little and push for more up sells, but still honor the same price to my loyal customers. I think that shipping is a good start. If I order product 954-c (men’s black coat) the cost is $120. If two days later I order a quantity of 10 product 5019-c (solution tank with lid) my cost will be $125.90. Look at the cost of shipping on the two. I am sure that the shipping on the solution jugs will be more expensive. I know that shipping costs Cody an absurd amount of money. It takes time to fill the orders, print the labels, money to purchase the boxes/peanuts, and on top of that, there’s the actual cost to ship. As an operator, I would have put some more thought into the ordering process if it were coming out of my pocket. I also believe that with the choices presented, I would much rather pay for shipping versus having royalties go up. New Franchise Prospects would not even consider the added cost because shipping and handling is almost always included in online purchases. If a guy wants to pinch a penny, I am sure we would have no problem letting him drive to Rexburg to pick it up himself. After lots of thought, I feel that what we give new operators in the form of 101 is too much. Why so many? Let’s cut it down to 5 gallons. This will still be a good start to get a new operator going. With the current setup we are supplying some of these guys a years worth or product to get a new business off the ground. Once again new prospective operators would not have a problem with recieving less of a product that never is an option. These are a just few ideas, but I do like the direction the feedback is going in.
ParticipantAmmon I will have to sleep on this as far as the 101 sales. Maybe it might sound to harsh, but it gives them something in return. I have some experience with the ins and outs of other franchises and this is a very common thing to require a certain amount of purchases. It is like belonging to a country club they are mandated to spend a certain amount on products every month whether they need it or not. If a guy is operating with six fees then he should be doing 12k a month. It is my job as a state owner to guide them to this and beyond. Being the devils advocate on my self I can see how the areas that have more climate issues could be effected. I still believe this is a better direction then a flat 100% increase in fees with nothing to show in return to the operators.
When I look at the contracts that I have on most of the operators I am floored by the irresponsible way they have been written. I believe no matter how many fees a guy has it should be in full effect by the time his contract ends. I have contacts stating increases based on population growth. In some cases I might never see that fee kick in. I would much rather cross the bridge of added franchise fees due to population growth when it come up for renewal. In my proposal it would work just like the royalty fees kick in. The 101 would follow the same as the royalties. As every year passes and a new fee kicks in so would the 101 mandate.
Spotter Sales
I had to call every operator in the areas that had a store that this would effect. I will have to get written approval from them to make this work. After talking to them they were behind it 100%. I feel that with the right approach we can have an addendum to the contracts. If we are transparent on our objectives, and can show them their return it should not be a problem. I will stick my neck out on the line on this one. If anyone thinks this is a bad Idea, or has an operator they feel will not go for it I personally will talk to them myself and give my best to get this through. I bet I could even talk Ron Hollingsworth 😈 in AZ into this one and he hates everything. If push came to shove I am sure that we could put in to the margins a percent that went to national advertising that would directly effect operators growth. I hope you still have connections with Kroger. If this ever did take up we would have lots of things to consider. Having a rep to talk to the chains would be one of them.Ca22
ParticipantI have been slow on working on this due to preparation. There were many things that I had to look into like UPC codes and pricing structures for both my cost, and the price point in which to sell on the shelf. I have learned so much over the past month about core products and margins. I want to be upfront on this with everyone. I only want to cover my cost. I have to approach this with a strong objective in my mind. It is not how much more money I could make at selling for $20 or $19.99 to my customers it is advertising. Truth be told I have only sold 8-10 large spotters ever. That does not mean I don’t go through them. Every one of my customers has a small or large bottle in their home. We give it to them for FREE for the same reason ADVERTISING. The objective is simple. Sell to the supermarkets to compete with their so called premium brands(folex). Have them sell our product at a price that is competitive with them $8 or so. Give them a margin that they like, but leave room so they can run them on ad 4 times a year. Show up and be the demo boy handing out small free spotters 3 times a year. Have the shoppers(women) see our logo as many times as possible. Create a branding that my competition does not have. Every time a shopper buys this they become a believer in the Heaven’s Best product. We have the best looking spotters in all aspects of the market. The stores don’t have anything, the competition does not have anything, and the customers have never seen anything that looks as great as the spotters. Even better it works better and stronger than anything else out there. I don’t have, or have ever heard of a red van logo-ed up driving around cleaning carpets called resolve. If there were they would be so busy cleaning carpets on the name recognition and the branding alone not on the results.
I remember seeing the chem-dry extinguisher in the market years ago. It has been a long time. I don;t know how good they were, but they sure looked good. If you were to stand on a corner and ask 100 people to name the top three biggest carpet cleaning companies out there I am sure Chem-Dry would make the list in most cases in almost every corner of the states. I would be very surprised if Heaven’s Best would make it at all. I hear it every single day “wow I never heard of Heaven’s Best, Are you new” They are always surprised to hear how long the company has been around. We are not Chem-Dry, but some day I want to make the list.Ca22
ParticipantI have been working for the last 24 hours on a plan that I want feedback on. It could possibly be a plan that would take care of all our needs. I will throw out the cliff note version as a I am working on a full business plan as we speak. Our objective, as I know, is to free up stagnant territory, boost sales for the state owners, more revenue to the corporate office, and increase profits to the operators. When I became a state owner, the biggest shock was how little product operators buy. I have always bought 10 to 16 gallons a month. I always knew that I purchased more than most operators, but I think my guys in Arizona have a contest to hit as close to the $100 minimum per order. We have a clause in our contracts that states we must maintain a month’s supply at all times, and I strongly believe that in the real world this almost never happens. Here is a glimpse:
1) Have two websites. should exist to promote and book carpet cleaning jobs, not selling franchises. The one-size-fits-all approach is not the best interests for anyone. Having a website that is stronger for the operators will boost their number of jobs. Whilst having a website that is all about sales is going to give each one of us a platform to sell. It should be the first place we direct perspective buyers. This is where we can show them why Heaven’s Best is the right choice. With a website like that, we can do our own Geo-targeted pay-per-click in areas of our states to capture perspective franchises. I would ask that each state owner contribute to the development of the site. If we contributed an annual fee of $200 each, that would generate $6000 a year for development and SEO (search engine optimization) in the future.
2) MCO Inc. is the Polaroid camera of the carpet cleaning industry. They make their money mainly from product sales, not franchise sales. Further more, it is Cleaning Solution 101 that is the backbone of all of our revenue. I propose a minimum order of two gallons of 101 per operator or a min. order of one per franchise territory. Meaning that if a guy has one fee he is required to make an order of at least 2 gallons. If a guy has eight fees, he is then required to buy 8 gallons and so on. This will accomplish many things: We, as state owners, will be able to count on a min. of X number of 101 per month. Corporate will sell more 101. Our operators will have a real incentive to not skimp or dilute as I know some do. If an operator has 8 fees but does not need all 8 gallons, then it won’t take them too long to realize that they either need to book more jobs or sell off territory. Trust me, when they no longer can park in their garage due to excess inventory, they will make a decision. The only way they can get rid of it is to package it up in a nice bundle for the new operator that is going to take over some territory or invest more time into the company, resulting in exposure. It has been said that 101 should make an operator $1500-$2000 a month. So if a guy has only one or two territories, it is safe to assume that $3000-4000 a month is a very, very low target. If an operator is tying up 10 territories, then he should be able to pull in $15-20k a month.
3) A national advertising fee is something that we should pursue. Let’s start off small- say a flat fee of $30 per operator, which would bring in over $9500 a month or $115,200 a year. It is a firm start and the operators should be able to swallow it much easier. This fee can go up on an annual basis, but keeping it reasonable will be key. What is national advertising? I think of radio, television, print ads and even the Goodyear blimp during the Superbowl. Let’s be realistic, we don’t have enough territories to cover a campaign in any one of these venues. We could possibly pull it off in California, but Arizona would be a huge waste of money. Most of my guys are in the Phoenix area. The rest is wide open. The Internet is a great start. Having pre-done radio/TV commercials for operators to use/buy from the corporate office is another. We must start thinking outside of the box on this. I have posted and received very little feedback on getting our product on the shelf in supermarkets, except for Gordon today. Let us look at the possibilities with doing something like this. BRAND AWARENESS being the reason for me. I want people to recognize us. Who does most of the shopping? Women. The more they see the logo, the more they will TRUST the name. I can respect Gordon’s dilemma with Chem Dry, but we are NOT Chem Dry. We don’t have the branding that they have. This, to me, is the greatest form of advertising. It is *FREE* to us and it gives MCO a new revenue stream. Best of all, how much would you love to tell a perspective buyer to go down to their local supermarket and see what is on the shelf? If you are an operator, how much would you love to be a fly on the wall when the competition sees it on the shelf? I do not have any Resolve carpet cleaners in my area. At the same time, we have hands down the BEST looking spotter bottles as well as the most effective spotters in the market. And I don’t think anyone can say otherwise. This would probably send the guys over at Chem Dry and Stanley Steamer through the roof.
I know it’s a lot to take in, and strongly welcome (and expect) feedback or suggestions. Like I said, this is only the cliff notes version and I will write up a complete business plan in the near future.
I do want to hit quickly on raising the new territory fees to $160 a month. At first I thought this would not be a problem for me. I have now realized this would drastically effect me as a state owner. I bought the state of AZ as an investment. I did calculations on further growth and potential in royalty fees. I don’t feel that I will come even close to meeting these goals with a 100% increase in royalty fees. I will have large areas that I will need to sell and telling a perspective buyer that he will be looking at a $1600 a month royalty fee will send them running. We have exclusive territories and it is not always practical to split up a territory into mini territories in every situation. I will be forced to raise the population calculator to 100-200k per fee. This will be a direct 50% decrease in state revenue. I will do my best to sell smart and not give away the farm, as this was done in the past. As a new state owner I want to eventually see a profit. I believe that a $100 fee is certainly a lot more obtainable.
ParticipantI myself have eight franchise fees. I started with three franchise fees. I bought two more over the next few years. We had a neighbor that was loosing everything so I bought off his remaining loan and took over the territory. Last year my other neighbor did the same. I took over his phone and franchise fee. This comes to $640 a month.
Keep the numbers in mind when it comes to fees. Approx 300 operators and we have 1240ish franchise territories. This means that for every one operator they are responsible for a little over 4 fees. So for every Bryan someone else is picking up his two fees. Please keep these numbers in mind when discussing a per royalty fee. With the first proposal we are talking on average per operator a 160 increase a month and in 2011 it would go to 320 a month. There are quite a few who are paying one or two fees. Not a big deal 80-160 a month but remember there is a guy out there who will be paying $480 because of Bryan. If my math is wrong correct me. I do realize not everyone has all of there fees kicking in yet and they will be coming on soon enough. most will be up by early 2012
ParticipantI am glad you said that Bryan. You are exactly right when you assume that those with the larger territories will most likely just walk away. We had an operator in AZ that tried to sell for six months, even used a business broker, and couldn’t. He just walked away and that was before any of these increases. I am certain that there will be a lot of people in that same situation. What affect will that have on selling in the future when our numbers have dropped so drastically in such a short period of time?
I think there needs to be a lot more discussion along with a better solution before anything is put into place.
Kim Miller