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ParticipantI do a lot of berber also. The biggest trick is (as with all things!) you can’t be in a big hurry!! I agree with the responses above and add TIME!! Use the vacuum, several directions. Use the FAE and allow plenty of dwell time. Use the dirt napper, and then finish up with a very thorough buffing using woven turf – flip it and then use another if necessary! Our system will clean berber well. If it’s reall matted down – rake before applying FAE!
ParticipantInteresting! I am very impressed with the results of FAE. I wish I would have started using it a long time ago!! I have used it on some very large spots – mixed with very hot water and let dwell and man oh man … the dirt napper followed by reg. buffing – it’s all gone!!!!!
ParticipantAll of these questions raises another question!! One thing I have thought about we could consider adding to the franchise training is local “field training”. I know I could have benefitted from this. In other words, after attending corporate training in Rexburg new franchisees would return to their home and perform several days of field training with an experienced “certified” operator as set up and supervised by the state owner. Such “field training” would be done in a nearby area and the “certified” operator doing the training could be compensated by corporate as part of the franchise fee. The new franchisee would be the ‘second man’ on the truck and experience hands on daily routines as well as the opportunities to ask lots of questions. This would add to the overall confidence of beginning operators. “Certified” operators performing the training would be hand picked and trained by state owners. As we grow, I think this is going to become a real need!! What do ya’ll think??
ParticipantIn town seems to be running between 18 & 19 mpg (closer to 19), which is very similar to our family car. With an 8 cyl, I’m sure it would be a lot worse! Maybe we should have all bought diesels!!! ha
ParticipantBelieve it or not, it’s still $2.98 a gallon here! But I am happy I originally decided to buy a 6 cyl Express ! I go a little slower up the hills, but overall the good mileage is worth it. The price of gas should help make everyone realize you need to be fair with your pricing – but you need to not feel guilty about having to raise prices either! Every extra dollar you spend on gas and don’t recoup – you just took off your dinner table!
ParticipantI definitely agree with the commission/percentage type wage! Gordon has some very good ideas on this subject – check for past posts on employee compensation!!
ParticipantThis is a tricky question however because of demographics. You have to decide what type of customers you want. I have found that customers in better homes – top end of the market – never ask to use a credit card, they always write checks. Whereas people in the lower middle class are credit card junkies (at least here in Texas) and always have dirtier, more difficult cleaning jobs because of lifestyle and long periods of time between cleanings. I decided to only accept cash or check to try and avoid that market.
ParticipantIf this guy wants a lifetime guarantee against spots, he needs to try a sealed-concrete floor! ha I guess the best comparison to give him would be this: If you take your suit to the dry cleaners, and then wear it for six months – do you expect the dry cleaner to clean it again for free because it got dirty again?? That’s the amazing thing about dirt…… it’s like hair, it keeps growing…..just like things will always get dirty! Calls like this are from totally irrational people. It’s best to be patient, explain your side as nicely as possible, and then tell him you will be glad to schedule an appointment to clean for the regular price. Like Ron says, every six months most homes are ready to be cleaned again!!
ParticipantHere in Texas you can also file with the county court/DA’s office. They will put a warrant on the individual. This is why it is so important to put a driver’s license # on the check along w/date of birth if you are hesitant anyway. Then, with that info they can track the guy down. Usually they are caught when they receive a traffic ticket, or go to renew their plates, etc. At that point you will eventually receive your money….someday! Tracking down through the bank is the fastest way as mentioned in previous posts. Haven’t had any bad checks with HB yet – and that’s a great thing!!!
ParticipantEvery once in awhile, take the dirt cup off and set the vacuum so that it is far downwind. Then, turn it on and let it run for about 3-4 minutes – it will blow all the dust out! Sometimes, I then use another vacuum w/attachment and ‘sweep’ the bag, floowed by wiping down w/damp cloth. This seems to work pretty good, but I too have been interested in the “bag system” switch, because this is a time-consuming problem!! BTW, I’m looking forward to meeting you – we’re your Hill Country neighbor!! Give me a call if I can ever help: (830) 792-2185 Kerrville
ParticipantGood one Danbo, any kind of register tape advertising is a total complete ripoff. I have tried that before in other businesses & have also witness others waste a lot of money! And, anytime, anyplace, anyone tells me that I must make a decision NOW to take advantage of the great offer….. my automatic answer is: NO! If it’s so great, then it’ll be there tomorrow, or next week. These types of salesmen are the worst, and they get totally confused when you tell them: “Well, if I can’t have time to think about this, then my answer is NO”. They really don’t know what to do at that point, and often begin making the conversation personal – like you have some kind of problem! I’ve walked many a time – car sales, health clubs, real estate, etc. Also tried a community newsletter one time – it was a waste. Make as big a bang as possible to your target market for the least cost!!!
ParticipantYou hit the nail on the head Gordon! If they actually want it CLEANED…. it’s going to have to cost more than .06 per sq ft. Don’t forget the scam video we watched at training with a carpet cleaner merely spraying water on the carpet in Houston. Low price will get you low results. You get what you pay for…. When’s the last time they gave us a 25 cent movie pass?? Probably not since 1945…..
ParticipantIt’s very difficult w/so many books! But you have to try & figure out which book the real “locals” always keep in their homes – there’s always one main book that most of your customers will use. Might be interesting to see if the ad reps can share any user demographics with you – ask for it! They do tracking all the time to set their ad rates. That’s why you have to be careful of the cheap ones – because that also means they have few users (not many hits in their tracking to justify higher rates). Ask for examples of tracking on local businesses! Hope this helps – they have a lot of info….they just don’t always like to share!
ParticipantCount me in on the $890 per hour! hahahahahaha
ParticipantDarn, I thought maybe it would lift ME out of the van! hahahahahahaha