Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI too experienced this in our last house – our Chevy Express would not fit! But to our surprise in our new home the door must be a little higher, and the length a little longer – hurray it fits!!
ParticipantI also prefer to not use an 800 # for the same reason – people aren’t as excited around here about ‘city folks’ ha! They would rather know it is a local operator – not someone whom they may never see again out of the city. I have also had more than one call on the road while someone was driving behind or saw at a stop light. I also do not have a ‘ground’ line – it is a permanent call-forward to my cell phone. This is a lot cheaper, and you’re still in the yellow pages. My cell plan is unlimited incoming calls so it works great!
ParticipantI’m with you on that! I’ve already managed to back into a parked truck in a neighborhood…. ughhh The windows on my side doors provide some added safety so I’m going with ‘over-the-window’ install on the passenger side too I guess. (I know I can’t afford to replace those panels!!) ha!
ParticipantThat’s exactly right! Our system is great the way it is. It would be a good idea however if corporate wanted to invest in developing and producing a radio and a tv spot which we could then utilize – perhaps even for a “users fee” (which would recoup the investment of production). These types of ads could allow for a ‘tag’ or a ‘donut’ with space to put local phone numbers etc. One of the great things about HB is definitely in local control of advertising spending. Corporate is providing a professional image with a new logo and related materials for flyers, cards, etc. Producing radio and tv spots would just add to our warchest! But, just as we have a choice to buy flyers or cards, etc…. we should be able to choose to utilize electronic media. Royalties of any kind are a negative for this business in my opinion as stated before! Thanks for all the great input on this topic – I think this is how we grow into a focused company!
ParticipantNo, actually I think Subway has an excellent advertising system which is well represented by franchissees. The point I’m making in this forum is that it takes millions…I’m talking millions… of dollars to make a minor buzz in the national market place. We together collectively simply don’t have the numbers to even make a squeak in the market. However, ad development for us to purchase and use locally, such as cable in a region, might be a good starting place. And, as I said before I really don’t think we could even make a dent on the national tv market – unless you have the $ to play with the big dogs then don’t waste the money!! Lastly, one of the reasons I chose HB was the lack of sales based royalties of any kind. This kind of business is very different and I think better managed on a local level for advertising effectiveness and return on the dollar spent. Hey btw Ron – looks like you guys have been having a brutal, hot summer, eh? Got your swimming pool in yet? I’m thinkin’ about one right about NOW!!! haha
ParticipantI think the best we could probably come up with might be some magazine ads – which is why I’m NOT in favor of this. Plain & simple… not enough return on the dollar! It takes mega bucks to play in this game & I’d rather keep on track like we are – let’s keep corporate developing new ad materials for us to use on the local/regional level!!!!
ParticipantWell the good thing is – this does NOT apply to us! Also one of the reasons I picked HB was the lack of sales-based royalties. Been there, done that. Advertising royalties often go higher than you think, although the national rates published appear low. For example with our Subway franchises we were required to pay 2.5% weekly to advertising on the national level – but – the kicker is that local markets soon realize that equates to minimum exposure and elect to pay more to ‘support’ the campaign regionally. Once the local coop votes – majority rules – then all have their rates raised within the market. Our rates for the Central Texas region were at 5% paid weekly (2.5 nat’l + 2.5 local). This was in addition to any other local level stuff you wanted to do. Many franchises publish minimum rates for such royalties, but the reality is most go higher! Sales reports are submitted electronically, and the royalties are sucked from your account via ACH immediately! And this was in ADDITION to an 8% regular royalty!! Many weeks our total royalties for a week exceeded $1500!! It’s like a legal MAFIA!! We do NOT want that, trust me!! Thank You for the HB system!!!
ParticipantI don’t know if something like this would ever develop within HB, but there are some good models out there. Subway for instance probably has the most franchissee representative system. There are franchissees which are elected to serve from each market region who together with a national advertising firm develop the plan. Then on the local & state levels there are also elected boards of franchissees which determine how the local funds are spent – usually together with a regional ad firm. Having served on these boards myself, I can tell you it is a very fair system to get the most bang for your buck with input from throughout the chain. But it took Subway until they had somewhere over 4000 units before they could really do hardly any tv on a national basis – that’s how expensive it is! Local markets on the other hand can choose to coop together and be very successful also. With this plan it would still be essential that corporate still develop a 30 & 60 second video commercial to be available for local coops to use and tag with their own ph#’s etc. Wow – that probably will happen in the not so distant future!
ParticipantI agree – it would be great if HB developed some ads which we could utilize on the local level if it is desired – just like the print ads they are developing now. Some larger metro areas may want to coop together and share the costs. Ads could be developed so that local ph#’s etc. could be tagged on the end. I don’t want to try and develop a national advertising coop however! There would never be enough money in an organization our size to do anything with an impact!
ParticipantI agree – I believe Cody is getting us the best deal possible – and I would also believe that the quality will be far superior to the current vinyl. We gotta have faith!!
ParticipantI guess I’m looking at the same thing – I have a 2005 Chevy Express with windows in the doors on the passenger side. No way I can trade this van and not lose big-time. To replace the doors? Like you said, very pricey. I’m going for just installing the package over those two windows I guess. Don’t really think there’s a choice at this point because I can’t sell or trade this van without a great loss!! Wish there could have been an alternate package for the passenger sides – at least for a few years down the road! However, with that said, I still can’t wait to get the new package installed – it looks really good!
ParticipantI’ve been very happy w/my metal sprayer! I think heavy duty is always a good idea! ha
ParticipantOk – so I was joking…. but the examples you’ve given are good ones – and they are still local variances which were studied and approved by the franchise. Even at Subway we were allowed up to three ‘local’ subs – but the choices were from an approved list, and all products were from our approved vendor – only. No matter what services we offer, I believe they too must be from an approved list provided by our franchisor – as well as the supplies, equip, and training! Individual operators should not just be allowed to create their own list of services without an approval process!
ParticipantOk, you are correct – I think we should start offering some painting services out in the field – have you checked out some of the walls & baseboards where you are cleaning? Lost opportunities I tell ya!! Hahahahaha
ParticipantI’m with ya on that one! I have a Chevy Express also – and they have lots of billboard space!!