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    I agree with Brian, it is what you make of it.

    Now is a good time to critique your phone sales, quality of service, & detail your equipment. As the months and days go by, we as humans tend to pick up bad habits, or sloppy procedures. Now is a great time to evaluate your employees and yourself. Brush up on training, and make improvements.

    Don’t forget to add that WOW factor, for the customer.


    I talked to Randy Bird in Wenatchee, WA today. He has been with us since March, 1986, yes that is before some of you were even born, he told me that he just had his best January ever!

    Steve Robinson in Spokane, WA called yesterday and said that he has been doing some free demos for people. One was the YMCA. They called him back and set up a $20,000.00 a year account with Steve because of his demo. He has to complete 25,000 sq. ft. of carpet cleaning in the next two weeks. Demos do work.


    set up a $20,000.00 a year account

    Wow! Is that just carpet cleaning?
    Or carpet and auxiliary services?

    Larry young

    My understanding is that is just the carpet, so hes got more comming on the river
    Good job Steve!


    Our media are a bunch of idiots fueling the fear in the masses. Ok, I’m off my soapbox.

    Demo’s can be good. If you are doing demos though, try to make sure the final “decision maker” is there on hand during the demo. I plan on doing a lot more “footwork” marketing here in the near future that may include some demos. My Jan. numbers are up over last year, but no reason to get complacent. Here’s a good article that gives advice on demos.



    Good article, thanks D! Good job Steve!


    It’s all about “attitude”! If we approach our customers with a lack of confidence and economic ‘worry’ hanging over our head we will fail. Be positive, and happy to offer such a great value in our services and people will respond! People are also cautious about over-aggressive ‘desperate’ sales approaches – it erodes confidence toward us! I say, take a deep breath, approach life like it’s getting better everyday and project an image of calm and confidence in everything we do. The folks in panic mode are also showing the public they are too near the edge, and may fold at any moment. This is a lesson in Faith! Smile, laugh, and do the best work you’ve ever done!


    positive attitude should equal positive influence.the only thing that has effected my business now is the bad winter here.as soon as it breaks for a stretch we get busy.even with that nasty january i was actually almost even.im suprised,still am.dec though i was down about 30%. that was all weather related.i lost aprox$3500.00 of business do to snow storm after snow storm after snow storm.you cant brain wash me on the economy.wont happen.what gets me even more though is these people that are not directly affected by this and those who have A LOT OF MONEY that say how bad it is and they need to save not spend…if the rich or people not affected stop spending that will contribute.ps.i leaving for cancun with my wife and kids monday,plane leaves at 6:03am.wooooooooooooooo.i aslo am 80% booked for the week of the 23rd i will finish it off in cancun,phone will ring and i will schedule.its funny though to a point when always being positive in front of costomers,they will ask,”SO HOWS YOUR BUSINESS WITH THE BAD ECONOMY” and seing there reaction. i tell them we are doing great.some reply ,REALLY! and are shocked.when your seperated from the competition you will survive in tougher times.our costomers will remember and talk about us.its always cheaper to clean it than replace it also .i will explain why we are doing good and will remain that way. we are much superior and the many reasons why.


    Exactly – we should all project ‘strength’ to the public! Don’t get rattled and don’t let the doomsday folks drag you down! In the end, we will benefit from holding a positive, steady as you go course straight ahead! This is a true test for our company – and we will gain respect for the long term if we can all work together to project our image as strong and dependable even in tough times!!

    Larry young

    I to have a good personal economy, to those people who are stashing alota green backs your losing money by the second the devaluatiion of our dolllar is just going to get worse over time put it in a tangible asset the rental propertys I own continue to raise in value (and rents) but my mortgages stay the same.
    Another 2 cents (change still availabe if needed)


    this february would have been the best ever if i would not have went cancun for a week.i dont ever regret a vacation. i will post my totals for the 20% off couponns i sent out on jan 28th for february under topic coupons.and then at end of march i will do for that month 15% off, and end of april for10% off in april.all totals will reflect for my existing costomers only.

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