Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Pricing What to Consider When Bidding Commercial?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    What do you take into account when trying to price/bid a commercial account larger than 1,000 sq ft?

    Soon I will create a expenses guideline to help a little bit with figuring costs of cleaning. This may be way off, but for example: it costs $0.20 cents per sq ft for 101, $0.10 per sq ft for FAE, etc. Once I do, I’ll share it.

    But what I’m wondering is what should I consider when bidding. I feel like I’m just guessing, which I guess I’m learning from, but I’d rather learn from your mistakes. 🙂


    What I remember from Florida, is to figure your cost of operation first. Labor, materials, maintenance, workman comp, insurance, (bond?) etc.


    I have a spreadsheet built if you would like to have a copy to critique, steal, expand on, or throw away email me. also email me yours so that I might do the same


    Yeah if you have that spreadsheet that would be great to look at.


    I try to also consider a price comparison between a cost/sqft and a $/hour.

    So if I’m bidding at say…..18c/sqft for 2600sqft=$468. If I look at it and know based on soil level, moving of items, type of carpet etc. I think I can do 500sqft/h so job will be 5+ hours If I’m wanting to be at $125/ that would equal $625 I look for a balance point
    I also know that time goes down when its a repeat job. Just the little things like parking/access. Where the electrical outlets are, improved efficiecies all add to reduce job time. So that factors in as well

    I find it almost impossible to break the costs down inside a small(ish) job. Instead I might look at a months total or a 3 month and do all the math get the averages and then break it down to sq/ft or hours. It would involve some tracking for a while but the information would be very valuable.
    Same as asking everyone that contacts you to book work. Asking the questions where they heard about you etc. after a while you get enough data that you can form facts. Try to stay away from too much “seat of the pants” data.



    Don’t forget that usually the further from the entrance the cleaner the carpet is, requiring less labor and supplies.

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