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  • #144897

    I like you, get at least a call a day that goes like this… “Hi I’m ______ calling to update your Google listing.” (So they start with a lie) This is nothing more than to update THEIR system and sell you on their “much better” website service that will guarantee being on the “Front page of Google.” (By the way, I’ve been in first position for over 6 months.) It may not come up that way from outside my area, I don’t care as long as it does from in my area. I’ve tried to be nice to these guys, saying things like “No, I don’t need your service, Obama-care is taking care of that” ….BUT… the one thing I’ve found that shuts them up is “SORRY, THE ONLY SERVICE I CAN USE IS WHAT MY CORPORATE OFFICE INDORSES.” Then they hang up on me! Great!
    If on occasion they continue, I ask them to “Stop Smoking Weed.” and I hang up.
    I try to find some enjoyment in everything I do.
    Life still has many good moments!


    What I found to be very effective is to act like your a call center just like them and play dumb. They really just do not know how to respond. I just start asking them questions like how many rooms would like cleaned or what day would be best to schedule a cleaning. Every time they ask about Google I just say yes that is the search engine we are often found on and thanks for choosing me from Google now what time should I schedule your cleaning?..


    Most of the time i’m offensive and rude. That works best for me.

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