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    In what ways are you guys TOTB? What unconventional marketing ideas have you successful deployed?


    This may or may not apply to what your asking but I walked by a Dry cleaning place today that advertised shoe cleaning. I thought hey, not bad. They charged from $5 to $20 bucks per pair. I asked about pricing and then asked if it has been sucessful for them. They sowed me a box with about 60 pairs of shoes in it. I am seriously thinking of doing this because my wife and I use HB101 on our shoes and it works great, looks new. Time to make a new flyer.

    Mike Nowlin
    Heaven’s Best of South Texas


    I recently got with a dry cleaner here and worked out a little deal with them. I will be giving them a bunch of business cards with a stamp on the back stating “thanks for using xxx cleaners, here is a coupon for 10% off carpet cleaning.” They will be attaching these cards to each receipt as the customers pick up their dry cleaning. For every referral I get from them, I will give them $5. They were more than happy to do this. They also let me put business cards and flyers on their counter.

    They have told me that quite a few people (within the past week) have asked about Heaven’s best and taken bus cards/flyers. We are just starting the stamped business card thing this week. Time will tell how this works. As a new business, I am primarily just trying to get my name out as many ways as possible…

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