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  • This topic has 21 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by NJ05.
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    I know it’s possible we got a goverment contract that will pay on avarage 5000.00 a month, and it takes about 40 hrs a month to do, I hired an employee I want to spend more time with wife and kids 🙂


    Hey Pat, please post some details about the Government program. I have a ton of Gov locations in my area so I would like to know how you got this going.


    it has been awhile since since ive done this it can be a pain in the but, but here is what i remember, youll need to get a DUNS number then register with CCR, then youll need to put the work clasification number in the ccr i beleive they call it ncis code but im not sure but here is the ccr websight wich should get you moving in the right direction. 🙂


    this is my registration you might find it usefull, the other thing youll want to do is get on the small works roster for all the cities and goverment ran facilities you wish to do business with, its much asyier to get you foot in the door that way, build relationships with those people then go after the big stuff,

    All Goverment work will be prevailing wage bid accordingly!!
    they take into account more then price, a few highlights are
    Past performance,
    vet. owend, dissable disabled vet. owend, minority owend …..

    I just did a job for a small airport he called me wanted it done by us gave him a bid $490.00 (vct stip and wax) filled out the small works roster I was the only company on ther SWR so i got the job without him having to shop around. if he had to though i know i would have got the job (past performance, he saw the quality of work i can do at one of his rentals.) REALATIONSHIPS are they key ingrediant to my bussiness! The contract i was talking about previously started out the same way with the previous owner (Bob Wenzel) being on
    the SWR, after he had cleaned privately for one of the employess out there.

    Sorry for my rambiling and mispelling i hope all this helps.



    Thanks for the info Pat. I will work on it tonight.


    No problem!


    Sounds like steroids to me….lol…I would be dead if I did Half that amount of work in a month.

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